  cscart_profile_fields.checkout_required as required 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_profile_field_descriptions ON cscart_profile_field_descriptions.object_id = cscart_profile_fields.field_id 
  AND cscart_profile_field_descriptions.object_type = 'F' 
  AND lang_code = 'en' 
  1 = 1 
  AND cscart_profile_fields.profile_type = 'U' 
  AND cscart_profile_fields.checkout_show = 'Y' 

Query time 0.00086

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "cost_info": {
      "query_cost": "4.51"
    "ordering_operation": {
      "using_filesort": true,
      "nested_loop": [
          "table": {
            "table_name": "cscart_profile_fields",
            "access_type": "ref",
            "possible_keys": [
            "key": "checkout_show",
            "used_key_parts": [
            "key_length": "4",
            "ref": [
            "rows_examined_per_scan": 21,
            "rows_produced_per_join": 2,
            "filtered": "10.00",
            "cost_info": {
              "read_cost": "1.68",
              "eval_cost": "0.21",
              "prefix_cost": "3.78",
              "data_read_per_join": "2K"
            "used_columns": [
            "attached_condition": "(`cscartdb`.`cscart_profile_fields`.`profile_type` = 'U')"
          "table": {
            "table_name": "cscart_profile_field_descriptions",
            "access_type": "eq_ref",
            "possible_keys": [
            "key": "PRIMARY",
            "used_key_parts": [
            "key_length": "12",
            "ref": [
            "rows_examined_per_scan": 1,
            "rows_produced_per_join": 2,
            "filtered": "100.00",
            "cost_info": {
              "read_cost": "0.53",
              "eval_cost": "0.21",
              "prefix_cost": "4.51",
              "data_read_per_join": "1K"
            "used_columns": [


field_id field_name profile_show profile_required checkout_show checkout_required partner_show partner_required storefront_show field_type profile_type position is_default section matching_id class wrapper_class autocomplete_type description required
14 b_firstname Y Y Y N N N Y I U 10 Y B 15 billing-first-name given-name First name N
6 firstname Y Y Y Y N N Y I U 10 Y C 0 first-name given-name First name Y
15 s_firstname Y Y Y N N N Y I U 10 Y S 14 shipping-first-name given-name First name N
7 lastname Y Y Y Y N N Y I U 20 Y C 0 last-name surname Last name Y
17 s_lastname Y Y Y N N N Y I U 20 Y S 16 shipping-last-name surname Last name N
16 b_lastname Y Y Y N N N Y I U 20 Y B 17 billing-last-name surname Last name N
19 s_address Y Y Y N N N Y I U 30 Y S 18 shipping-address litecheckout__field--xlarge shipping street-address Address N
18 b_address Y Y Y N N N Y I U 30 Y B 19 billing-address litecheckout__field--xlarge street-address Address N
9 phone N N Y N N N Y P U 40 Y C 0 phone tel Phone N
21 s_address_2 Y N Y N N N Y I U 40 Y S 20 shipping-address-line2 shipping-address-line2__wrapper address-line2 Apartment / Suite # N
32 email Y Y Y Y Y Y Y E U 50 Y C 0 litecheckout__field--full off E-mail Y
23 s_city Y Y Y Y N N Y I U 50 Y S 22 shipping-city city City Y
22 b_city Y Y Y N N N Y I U 50 Y B 23 billing-city city City N
26 b_country Y Y Y N N N Y O U 60 Y B 27 billing-country country Country N
27 s_country Y Y Y Y N N Y O U 60 Y S 26 shipping-country country Country Y
24 b_state Y Y Y N N N Y A U 70 Y B 25 billing-state state State/province N
25 s_state Y Y Y Y N N Y A U 70 Y S 24 shipping-state state State/province Y
29 s_zipcode Y Y Y Y N N Y Z U 80 Y S 28 shipping-zip-code litecheckout__field--xsmall shipping postal-code Zip Code Y
28 b_zipcode Y Y Y N N N Y Z U 80 Y B 29 billing-zip-code litecheckout__field--xsmall postal-code Zip/postal code N
31 s_phone Y N Y N N N Y P U 90 Y S 30 shipping-phone tel Phone N
30 b_phone Y Y Y N N N Y P U 90 Y B 31 billing-phone tel Phone N