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  string(11) "PO Box 3951"
  string(7) "Gilbert"
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  array(1) {
  array(2) {
    array(17) {
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56524"
        string(57) "OTK Frat Paddle: Hardwood Spanking Paddle w/Blister Holes"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
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        string(1) "Y"
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        string(1540) "Our ATP OTK Frat Paddle is a shorter version of our 4” Signature ATP Frat Paddle. At 14” long, it can accommodate OTK positions as well as standing or longer-reach positions - just shift your hand position on our comfortable elongated handle. This is a thick and thuddy spanking paddle that also features smooth beveled holes on the front side and flat blister holes on the back for dual spanking and impact play sensations. The elongated handle with silky smooth rounded edges fits all hand sizes and allows for an easy, satisfying swing.
Paddle width: 4" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 5/8” 
Mahogany - a medium weight wood that will provide sting with some thud and some burn; African Mahogany’s grain tends toward straight lines with tones of reds, auburns, warm browns, and even golds (wood not currently pictured) 
Flame Maple - a medium weight wood that will provide sting with some thud; Flame Maple’s rippled grain pattern dances between light and dark gold as the paddle moves 
Granadillo - a dark, dense, and heavy wood from Tropical South America; this paddle will bring more thud and a deeper impact with a lasting afterburn (wood not currently pictured) 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
        array(2) {
        string(89) "otk-frat-paddle-by-lrs-hardwood-spanking-paddle-with-blister-holes-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(77) {
        string(5) "56519"
        string(77) "Assume the Position Signature Frat Paddle: Available in 18” - 20” - 22”"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
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        string(2) "99"
        string(1068) "We partnered with Assume the Position Studios to create the frat paddle of your spanking fantasies. Crafted from beautiful American Cherry or Black Walnut, our ATP Signature Frat Paddle features smooth beveled holes on the front side and flat blister holes on the back for dual spanking play sensations. The elongated handle with silky smooth rounded edges fits all hand sizes and allows for an easy, satisfying swing. We aim for both beauty and balance!
Available in three lengths: 18” - 20” - 22” 
Paddle width: 3.5" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 9/16" (just over half an inch) 
All LRS paddles feature smooth rounded edges. 
All paddles are made to order. Variations in wood grain and color will occur. 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
        array(2) {
        string(119) "assume-the-position-signature-frat-paddle-by-lrs-choice-of-cherry-or-walnut-available-in-3-lengths-18-20-22-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(77) {
        string(5) "56517"
        string(87) "Assume the Position 4” Wide Frat Paddle: Available in 18” or 20” - Optional Holes"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
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        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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        string(3) "109"
        string(800) "Our 4” Wide ATP Frat Paddle is a wider version of our Signature ATP Frat Paddle. Available in 18” or 20” lengths and your choice of Mahogany or Flame Maple. Both woods are stingy with some thud. Holes will increase the speed of the paddle and will provide a more intense sensation. This spanking paddle is available with or without holes, leaving the aesthetic and severity up to you!
Paddle width: 4" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 9/16” 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
        array(2) {
        string(128) "assume-the-position-4-wide-frat-paddle-by-lrs-available-in-18-or-20-holes-or-no-holes-your-choice-of-wood-consenting-adults-only"
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      array(77) {
        string(5) "56512"
        string(48) "Spencer’s Spanking Strap (3.5” or 4” Wide)"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
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        string(3) "150"
        string(1009) "Once you pick up Spencer’s Spanking Strap, you may never want to put it back down! Designed for lasting quality, in-hand comfort, perfect placement and ease of use, our strap may quickly become your next toy box favorite. Our strap is designed to land exactly where you place it with no flop or wraparound. The strap itself is heavy English Bridle Leather in a rich, reddish-brown hue. The Bubinga hardwood handle provides additional weight, balance and beauty. This handle features the same silky smooth finish and fully rounded edges you will find on all LRS wood paddles and spanking toys. Our strap is suitable for single-cheek or full-bottom strokes and can easily be wielded by beginners and professional disciplinarians alike.

Expect this strap to break in with use. The more you use it, the more you’ll want to use it again!

3.5” or 4” wide leather strap
Single layer of 12 to 13 oz. high quality English bridle leather
Bubinga hardwood handle
Includes a matching leather wrist/hanging strap"
        array(2) {
        string(110) "spencers-spanking-strap-quality-english-bridle-leather-with-hardwood-bubinga-handle-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56526"
        string(58) "Spencer’s Hairbrush: 12" Hairbrush-Style Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723245371"
        string(10) "1723245401"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "65.00000000"
        string(2182) "Spencer’s Hairbrush is a longer, thicker complement to our Abby’s Hairbrush paddle. To accommodate larger hands, the Spencer features a longer handle than the standard hairbrush size. At 5/8”, it is thicker than the Abby’s 1/2”, and the spanking surface of the paddle is longer as well. This is the heartier  version of a classic hairbrush-style paddle while also providing the smooth, rounded edges and elegant lines of an LRS adult spanking paddle.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  
 🍑 12” long x 3.5“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 Handle is an ideal length for most hand sizes (see our Abby’s Hairbrush paddle for smaller hands) 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
        array(2) {
        string(122) "spencers-hairbrush-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-12-hairbrush-style-paddle-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56513"
        string(71) "The Edwardian: 14.25” Flared Spanking Paddle w/Optional Blister Holes"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723246797"
        string(10) "1723246938"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "89.00000000"
        string(2399) "Mind your manners! The Edwardian is a proper punishment tool with an air of elegance.

Our Edwardian spanking paddle was inspired by our smaller Victorian wood paddle. The Edwardian flares and extends the spanking surface, plus we offer optional blister holes for sensation and aesthetic variety. 

As with all LRS spanking toys, our Edwardian wooden spanking paddles feature smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish. 

Tropical Walnut (Central and South America) - a light and stingy dark brown wood 
Birch (North America) - a blonde & tan wood with medium heaviness and density 
Caribbean Rosewood (Caribbean and Central America) - heavy & dense with surface sting and a deep & thuddy impact, makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
All wood paddles will have some degree of sting.  For maximum thuddiness, use a heavier paddle upon a well-warmed bottom. 
🍑 14.25” long 
🍑 Paddles with holes feature a beveled hole on the front and small flat blister holes on the back 
🍑 Wood grain and color will naturally vary from piece to piece 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC"
        array(2) {
        string(113) "the-edwardian-by-lrs-14-25-spanking-paddle-handmade-quality-hardwood-with-or-without-holes-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56514"
        string(39) "Miss Jolly: 12" Sensual Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723248050"
        string(10) "1723249043"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "65.00000000"
        string(1974) "Our Miss Jolly is a mid-sized paddle with an elongated handle that is perfect for most hand sizes. At 12 inches long tip to tip, it's suitable for OTK but adds just a little extra reach for most positions. This is a curvy, sensual paddle that is a delight to admire, hold, and use in all styles of consensual adult impact play. Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for special requests or recommendations. Additional custom-order woods available.  
🍑 12” long x 4.5“ wide x .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Great for all hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
        array(2) {
        string(131) "miss-jolly-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-12-paddle-for-all-hand-sizes-and-positions-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56525"
        string(64) "The Victorian: 13.5” Multi-Position Adult Discipline Implement"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723247157"
        string(10) "1724005973"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "75.00000000"
        string(2652) "Designed after Abby & Spencer's antique clothing brush! This spanking paddle is available in your choice of 6 beautiful hardwoods including 4 exotic woods so you can custom design your spanking experience from light and stingy to deep and thuddy. The Victorian is perfect for a variety of spanking positions. Especially great for swats on the sit spot! As with all LRS spanking toys, this wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish.
Tropical Walnut (Central and South America) - extra light and stingy, Tropical Walnut is a different variety of wood than our heavier American Black Walnut 
Poplar (North America) - light and stingy, Poplar is ideal for warm-up spanking, long sessions, and/or beginners 
Birch (North America) - medium heaviness and density, balance between sting and thud 
Bubinga (West Africa) -  medium heaviness and density, balance between sting and thud 
Shedua (West Africa) - heavy and dense, deep and thuddy,makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
Grandillo (South America) - heaviest and most dense, deep and thuddy, makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
🍑 13.5” long x 2“ wide x .625” (5/8") thick 
🍑 Wood grain and color will naturally vary from piece to piece 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax 

🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic ' and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged in"
        array(2) {
        string(127) "the-victorian-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-unique-hardwoods-13-5-multi-position-discipline-implement-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56522"
        string(49) "The Governess: 14” Long-Handled Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723247460"
        string(10) "1723247612"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "69.00000000"
        string(1926) "The Governess is an elegant long-handled paddle with smooth rounded edges and a 3.5-inch spanking surface. This is 1/2-inch wider than our 3-inch wide Cruel Mistress wooden-spoon style paddle. The extra surface area helps distribute the impact but still delivers a forceful and focused stroke. 

🍑 14” long x 3.5“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for all hand sizes. Experiment with your hand position to create different sensations and find your best fit.  
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of spanking experience.  
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle. 
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged "
        array(2) {
        string(134) "the-governess-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-sensually-curved-14-long-spoon-style-implement-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56523"
        string(58) "The Cruel Mistress: 14" Wooden Spoon-Style Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723248784"
        string(10) "1723248955"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "69.00000000"
        string(658) "At 5/8" thick and lovingly worked from our beautiful hardwoods, our Cruel Mistress is bliss in the hand of her beholder, but a bane to the bottoms she meets. Her fully rounded curves are voluptuous and welcoming - hold her from the far end for full reach; hold her at the top of her handle for direct control. Hold her from the paddle end and give penalty swats with the tip of the handle. This spanking paddle begs to be used in every position for every kind of consensual corporal punishment and spanking/impact play. As with all LRS spanking toys, our Cruel Mistress wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish."
        array(2) {
        string(112) "the-cruel-mistress-by-lrs-elegant-14-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-beautiful-hardwoods-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56510"
        string(61) "Abby’s Hairbrush: 10.5" Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723244628"
        string(10) "1723245436"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "59.00000000"
        string(2011) "Abby’s Hairbrush paddle is designed with the real dimensions of a standard hairbrush.  This paddle is perfect for OTK or any position where you might use a hand or a hairbrush, but our solid hardwood sanded to silky smoothness adds weight and elegance to this domestic-style implement.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  

🍑 10.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .5” (1/2”) thick 
🍑 Handle is a great fit for smaller hands (For larger hands, see our listing for Spencer’s Hairbrush) 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
        array(2) {
        string(64) "abbys-hairbrush-10.5-hairbrush-style-otk-spanking-paddle-3c28fe1"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56518"
        string(49) "The Longjolly: 15” Long-Handled Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723246037"
        string(10) "1724004202"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "75.00000000"
        string(2206) "The Longjolly is a long-handled version of one of our favorite designs, the Miss Jolly spanking paddle.  Our Longjolly adds extra reach and heft for even more play positions while keeping the same perfect 4.5” width of spanking surface. This is a curvy, sensual paddle that is a delight to admire, hold, and use in all styles of consensual adult impact play. 

5 Hardwood Choices: 
Cherry - Light/Medium with a nice balance of sting/thud - great for beginners and pros alike!
Walnut - Medium with sting/thud and some burn
Maple - Medium with a hard sting and some thud
Tigerwood - Heavy with surface sting and deeper thud
Granadillo- Heavy with surface sting and deepest thud 
🍑 15” long x 4.5“ wide x approximately .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Great for all hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
        array(2) {
        string(85) "the-longjolly-by-lrs-15-long-handled-adult-spanking-paddle-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56516"
        string(57) "The Mason: 10.5" Oval Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723248469"
        string(10) "1723248491"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "59.00000000"
        string(1992) "The Mason is an all-time fan favorite spanking paddle for its classic shape, smooth curves, and beginner-friendly size.  Ideal for OTK and up-close spanking positions. The handle is perfect for smaller hands. It's also a great spanking paddle for beginners! See more about our wood choices below to customize your sensation experience. As with all LRS spanking toys, this wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish.
🍑 10.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .57 (9/16”)  thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for most hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
        array(2) {
        string(119) "the-mason-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-10-5-hairbrush-style-paddle-otk-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56521"
        string(70) "Stevie Rose’s Hairbrush: 11.5” Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723245768"
        string(10) "1723246512"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "69.00000000"
        string(2025) "We’ve partnered with Stevie Rose from I Heart Spankings to offer a classic hairbrush style paddle shapes in Stevie’s selection of stunning hardwoods: 

Walnut - medium weight, balanced sting/thud with some burn
Mahogany - medium weight, balanced sting/thud with some burn
Flame Maple - medium weight, hard and stingy with some thud
Bubinga - heavy with a great balance of sting/thud for experienced spanking enthusiasts

🍑 Paddle Dimensions: 11.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .58” thick 
🍑 This classic oval hairbrush shape is ideal for OTK, but suits a variety of positions thanks to the longer handle.  
🍑 Includes a matching leather wrist strap. If you prefer cord, please let us know in your order notes. 
🍑We recommend this paddle for all levels of spanking experience. 

🍑As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only. 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you cho'ose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ONLY for use between consenting adults  
NATURAL hardwood finished with food & body safe beeswax 
SILKY SMOOTH rounded edges and surfaces 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged 
Contact us for custom orders and special requests!"
        array(2) {
        string(130) "stevie-roses-hairbrush-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-3-beautiful-hardwoods-11-5-hairbrush-style-paddle-otk-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56511"
        string(49) "Genuine African Teak Spa-Inspired Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723248627"
        string(10) "1723248644"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "75.00000000"
        string(1924) "Our Genuine African Teak spanking paddle is a handcrafted beauty in this warm and highly desirable exotic wood. This is a medium-weight implement that will bring sting, burn and a little thud to your spanking scenario. Spencer first made this paddle as a special order, but we loved the wood and clean simple shape. Now that our local woodshop stocks Teak lumber, we are happy to make this spanking toy a permanent part of our catalog!
🍑 14.125” long x 3.125“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
        array(2) {
        string(96) "genuine-african-teak-spa-inspired-spanking-paddle-lrs-limited-edition-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56515"
        string(50) "The Brat: 14" Half-Size Frat-Style Spanking Paddle"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "1.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723248302"
        string(10) "1723248320"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(11) "65.00000000"
        string(1920) "The Brat is a half-length frat paddle made just long enough to deliver a swat across the seat. Handy for single-cheek swats as well! This paddle will deliver a “discipline” element to your spanking scenario, while still sensual and fun with lighter strokes.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  
🍑 14” long x 3.5“ wide x .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for most hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
        array(2) {
        string(117) "the-brat-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-14-half-size-frat-style-paddle-for-consenting-adults-only"
        string(8) "4/17/576"
        string(1) "P"
        string(0) ""
      array(75) {
        string(5) "56527"
        string(33) "Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap"
        string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "0"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(22) "{"from":"7","to":"10"}"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "A"
        string(3) "193"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "2"
        string(5) "2.000"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(4) "0.00"
        string(1) "0"
        string(10) "1723250929"
        string(10) "1723250945"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "B"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(2) "10"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "F"
        string(0) ""
        string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
        string(8) "activity"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "0"
        string(12) "225.00000000"
        string(2416) "If you love the idea of a heavy, buttery strap of dark leather looped over and wielded with power, firmness, and accuracy over a consenting and well-deserving bottom, do we have the strap for you!

Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap is heavy, high quality English Bridle Leather in a rich, chocolate brown hue, beveled and detailed, then doubled over and firmly fixed into the handle with Chicago screws.  The Bubinga hardwood handle provides additional weight, balance and beauty. This handle features the same silky smooth finish and fully rounded edges you will find on all LRS wood paddles and spanking toys. Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap is suitable for single-cheek or full-bottom strokes and can easily be wielded by beginners and professional disciplinarians alike. 

Expect this strap to break in with use. The more you use it, the more you’ll want to use it again!
🍑 The leather we use for Spencer’s Looped Strap is 9 to 10 oz Wickett & Craig English Bridle Leather.  
🍑 Our Bubinga handles are 10” long and .8” thick with smooth rounded edges to provide a comfortable, firm grip and swinging balance for all hand sizes. Bubinga is a dense West African wood also known as African Rosewood and Kevazingo.  
🍑 Includes a matching leather wrist/hanging strap 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the implement that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
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Spicerack Market
20200 West Dixie Highway
Suite 902
Aventura, FL 33180

" ["content"]=> string(106200) "
Little Red Spanking
Little Red Spanking
United States
Member Since 2024

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Miss Jolly: 12" Sensual Spanking Paddle photo
Miss Jolly: 12" Sensual Spanking Paddle photo
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Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap photo
Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap photo
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    string(1540) "Our ATP OTK Frat Paddle is a shorter version of our 4” Signature ATP Frat Paddle. At 14” long, it can accommodate OTK positions as well as standing or longer-reach positions - just shift your hand position on our comfortable elongated handle. This is a thick and thuddy spanking paddle that also features smooth beveled holes on the front side and flat blister holes on the back for dual spanking and impact play sensations. The elongated handle with silky smooth rounded edges fits all hand sizes and allows for an easy, satisfying swing.
Paddle width: 4" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 5/8” 
Mahogany - a medium weight wood that will provide sting with some thud and some burn; African Mahogany’s grain tends toward straight lines with tones of reds, auburns, warm browns, and even golds (wood not currently pictured) 
Flame Maple - a medium weight wood that will provide sting with some thud; Flame Maple’s rippled grain pattern dances between light and dark gold as the paddle moves 
Granadillo - a dark, dense, and heavy wood from Tropical South America; this paddle will bring more thud and a deeper impact with a lasting afterburn (wood not currently pictured) 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
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    string(77) "Assume the Position Signature Frat Paddle: Available in 18” - 20” - 22”"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
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    string(1068) "We partnered with Assume the Position Studios to create the frat paddle of your spanking fantasies. Crafted from beautiful American Cherry or Black Walnut, our ATP Signature Frat Paddle features smooth beveled holes on the front side and flat blister holes on the back for dual spanking play sensations. The elongated handle with silky smooth rounded edges fits all hand sizes and allows for an easy, satisfying swing. We aim for both beauty and balance!
Available in three lengths: 18” - 20” - 22” 
Paddle width: 3.5" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 9/16" (just over half an inch) 
All LRS paddles feature smooth rounded edges. 
All paddles are made to order. Variations in wood grain and color will occur. 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
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    string(800) "Our 4” Wide ATP Frat Paddle is a wider version of our Signature ATP Frat Paddle. Available in 18” or 20” lengths and your choice of Mahogany or Flame Maple. Both woods are stingy with some thud. Holes will increase the speed of the paddle and will provide a more intense sensation. This spanking paddle is available with or without holes, leaving the aesthetic and severity up to you!
Paddle width: 4" 
Paddle thickness: Approx. 9/16” 
NATURAL hardwood finished with food and body safe beeswax & mineral oil 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC 
WOOD grain and tone may vary. Dimensions are approximate. 
Contact us for special requests and custom orders!"
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    string(5) "56512"
    string(48) "Spencer’s Spanking Strap (3.5” or 4” Wide)"
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    string(1009) "Once you pick up Spencer’s Spanking Strap, you may never want to put it back down! Designed for lasting quality, in-hand comfort, perfect placement and ease of use, our strap may quickly become your next toy box favorite. Our strap is designed to land exactly where you place it with no flop or wraparound. The strap itself is heavy English Bridle Leather in a rich, reddish-brown hue. The Bubinga hardwood handle provides additional weight, balance and beauty. This handle features the same silky smooth finish and fully rounded edges you will find on all LRS wood paddles and spanking toys. Our strap is suitable for single-cheek or full-bottom strokes and can easily be wielded by beginners and professional disciplinarians alike.

Expect this strap to break in with use. The more you use it, the more you’ll want to use it again!

3.5” or 4” wide leather strap
Single layer of 12 to 13 oz. high quality English bridle leather
Bubinga hardwood handle
Includes a matching leather wrist/hanging strap"
    array(2) {
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      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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      string(7) "Arizona"
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    string(5) "56526"
    string(58) "Spencer’s Hairbrush: 12" Hairbrush-Style Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
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    string(1) "Y"
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    string(2182) "Spencer’s Hairbrush is a longer, thicker complement to our Abby’s Hairbrush paddle. To accommodate larger hands, the Spencer features a longer handle than the standard hairbrush size. At 5/8”, it is thicker than the Abby’s 1/2”, and the spanking surface of the paddle is longer as well. This is the heartier  version of a classic hairbrush-style paddle while also providing the smooth, rounded edges and elegant lines of an LRS adult spanking paddle.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  
 🍑 12” long x 3.5“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 Handle is an ideal length for most hand sizes (see our Abby’s Hairbrush paddle for smaller hands) 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(11) "89.00000000"
    string(2399) "Mind your manners! The Edwardian is a proper punishment tool with an air of elegance.

Our Edwardian spanking paddle was inspired by our smaller Victorian wood paddle. The Edwardian flares and extends the spanking surface, plus we offer optional blister holes for sensation and aesthetic variety. 

As with all LRS spanking toys, our Edwardian wooden spanking paddles feature smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish. 

Tropical Walnut (Central and South America) - a light and stingy dark brown wood 
Birch (North America) - a blonde & tan wood with medium heaviness and density 
Caribbean Rosewood (Caribbean and Central America) - heavy & dense with surface sting and a deep & thuddy impact, makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
All wood paddles will have some degree of sting.  For maximum thuddiness, use a heavier paddle upon a well-warmed bottom. 
🍑 14.25” long 
🍑 Paddles with holes feature a beveled hole on the front and small flat blister holes on the back 
🍑 Wood grain and color will naturally vary from piece to piece 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC"
    array(2) {
    string(113) "the-edwardian-by-lrs-14-25-spanking-paddle-handmade-quality-hardwood-with-or-without-holes-consenting-adults-only"
    string(8) "4/17/576"
    string(1) "P"
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    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200343203403f939eb7064868c9cf565e203ca9d8cd01efcfc6fd8d97c71fc1249e879b4629d87f7ddcc8dd9357857ebee4d1cc1f364a058aea51de33eeed0fc8bc541fa4648236dc000870ac39f4c91289592c2550664cde58f7d9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
    string(5) "56514"
    string(39) "Miss Jolly: 12" Sensual Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
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    string(1) "2"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
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    string(0) ""
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(11) "65.00000000"
    string(1974) "Our Miss Jolly is a mid-sized paddle with an elongated handle that is perfect for most hand sizes. At 12 inches long tip to tip, it's suitable for OTK but adds just a little extra reach for most positions. This is a curvy, sensual paddle that is a delight to admire, hold, and use in all styles of consensual adult impact play. Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for special requests or recommendations. Additional custom-order woods available.  
🍑 12” long x 4.5“ wide x .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Great for all hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
    array(2) {
    string(131) "miss-jolly-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-12-paddle-for-all-hand-sizes-and-positions-for-consenting-adults-only"
    string(8) "4/17/576"
    string(1) "P"
    string(0) ""
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        string(91) "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.spicerack.market/detailed/201/il_fullxfull.4526053498_cvk2.jpg"
        string(0) ""
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          string(0) ""
          string(4) "2250"
          string(4) "3000"
          string(90) "http://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.spicerack.market/detailed/201/il_fullxfull.4573580113_ewhg.jpg"
          string(91) "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.spicerack.market/detailed/201/il_fullxfull.4573580113_ewhg.jpg"
          string(0) ""
          string(45) "detailed/201/il_fullxfull.4573580113_ewhg.jpg"
    string(11) "65.00000000"
    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200343203403f939eb7064868c9cf565e203ca9d8cd01efcfc6fd8d97c71fc1249e879b4629d87f7ddcc8dd9357857ebee4d1cc1f364a058aea51de33eeed0fc8bc541fa4648236dc000870ac39f4c91289592c2550664cde58f7d9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(80) {
    string(5) "56525"
    string(64) "The Victorian: 13.5” Multi-Position Adult Discipline Implement"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(5) "1.000"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(2) "10"
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    string(1) "1"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "F"
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    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(11) "75.00000000"
    string(2652) "Designed after Abby & Spencer's antique clothing brush! This spanking paddle is available in your choice of 6 beautiful hardwoods including 4 exotic woods so you can custom design your spanking experience from light and stingy to deep and thuddy. The Victorian is perfect for a variety of spanking positions. Especially great for swats on the sit spot! As with all LRS spanking toys, this wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish.
Tropical Walnut (Central and South America) - extra light and stingy, Tropical Walnut is a different variety of wood than our heavier American Black Walnut 
Poplar (North America) - light and stingy, Poplar is ideal for warm-up spanking, long sessions, and/or beginners 
Birch (North America) - medium heaviness and density, balance between sting and thud 
Bubinga (West Africa) -  medium heaviness and density, balance between sting and thud 
Shedua (West Africa) - heavy and dense, deep and thuddy,makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
Grandillo (South America) - heaviest and most dense, deep and thuddy, makes a fantastic finisher or intense impact play implement 
🍑 13.5” long x 2“ wide x .625” (5/8") thick 
🍑 Wood grain and color will naturally vary from piece to piece 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax 

🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic ' and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged in"
    array(2) {
    string(127) "the-victorian-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-unique-hardwoods-13-5-multi-position-discipline-implement-consenting-adults-only"
    string(8) "4/17/576"
    string(1) "P"
    string(0) ""
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      string(7) "product"
      array(11) {
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        string(7) "product"
        array(11) {
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          string(0) ""
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    string(11) "75.00000000"
    array(3) {
      string(3) "830"
      string(28) "66c2384ab0713_1724004426.mov"
      string(1) "N"
    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200343203403f939eb7064868c9cf565e203ca9d8cd01efcfc6fd8d97c71fc1249e879b4629d87f7ddcc8dd9357857ebee4d1cc1f364a058aea51de33eeed0fc8bc541fa4648236dc000870ac39f4c91289592c2550664cde58f7d9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
    string(5) "56522"
    string(49) "The Governess: 14” Long-Handled Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "193"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "2"
    string(5) "1.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "1723247460"
    string(10) "1723247612"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(0) ""
    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(11) "69.00000000"
    string(1926) "The Governess is an elegant long-handled paddle with smooth rounded edges and a 3.5-inch spanking surface. This is 1/2-inch wider than our 3-inch wide Cruel Mistress wooden-spoon style paddle. The extra surface area helps distribute the impact but still delivers a forceful and focused stroke. 

🍑 14” long x 3.5“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for all hand sizes. Experiment with your hand position to create different sensations and find your best fit.  
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of spanking experience.  
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle. 
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged "
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      string(7) "Gilbert"
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      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
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    string(58) "The Cruel Mistress: 14" Wooden Spoon-Style Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
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    string(658) "At 5/8" thick and lovingly worked from our beautiful hardwoods, our Cruel Mistress is bliss in the hand of her beholder, but a bane to the bottoms she meets. Her fully rounded curves are voluptuous and welcoming - hold her from the far end for full reach; hold her at the top of her handle for direct control. Hold her from the paddle end and give penalty swats with the tip of the handle. This spanking paddle begs to be used in every position for every kind of consensual corporal punishment and spanking/impact play. As with all LRS spanking toys, our Cruel Mistress wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish."
    array(2) {
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    string(1) "P"
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      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
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      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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    string(61) "Abby’s Hairbrush: 10.5" Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(2011) "Abby’s Hairbrush paddle is designed with the real dimensions of a standard hairbrush.  This paddle is perfect for OTK or any position where you might use a hand or a hairbrush, but our solid hardwood sanded to silky smoothness adds weight and elegance to this domestic-style implement.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  

🍑 10.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .5” (1/2”) thick 
🍑 Handle is a great fit for smaller hands (For larger hands, see our listing for Spencer’s Hairbrush) 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
    array(2) {
    string(64) "abbys-hairbrush-10.5-hairbrush-style-otk-spanking-paddle-3c28fe1"
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    string(11) "59.00000000"
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      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
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    string(5) "56518"
    string(49) "The Longjolly: 15” Long-Handled Spanking Paddle"
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    string(0) ""
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    string(2206) "The Longjolly is a long-handled version of one of our favorite designs, the Miss Jolly spanking paddle.  Our Longjolly adds extra reach and heft for even more play positions while keeping the same perfect 4.5” width of spanking surface. This is a curvy, sensual paddle that is a delight to admire, hold, and use in all styles of consensual adult impact play. 

5 Hardwood Choices: 
Cherry - Light/Medium with a nice balance of sting/thud - great for beginners and pros alike!
Walnut - Medium with sting/thud and some burn
Maple - Medium with a hard sting and some thud
Tigerwood - Heavy with surface sting and deeper thud
Granadillo- Heavy with surface sting and deepest thud 
🍑 15” long x 4.5“ wide x approximately .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Great for all hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
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      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200343203403f939eb7064868c9cf565e203ca9d8cd01efcfc6fd8d97c71fc1249e879b4629d87f7ddcc8dd9357857ebee4d1cc1f364a058aea51de33eeed0fc8bc541fa4648236dc000870ac39f4c91289592c2550664cde58f7d9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
    string(5) "56516"
    string(57) "The Mason: 10.5" Oval Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "5", "to": "7"}"
    string(0) ""
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "1"
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    string(1) "1"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(11) "59.00000000"
    string(1992) "The Mason is an all-time fan favorite spanking paddle for its classic shape, smooth curves, and beginner-friendly size.  Ideal for OTK and up-close spanking positions. The handle is perfect for smaller hands. It's also a great spanking paddle for beginners! See more about our wood choices below to customize your sensation experience. As with all LRS spanking toys, this wooden spanking paddle features smooth, rounded edges and a silky smooth natural finish.
🍑 10.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .57 (9/16”)  thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for most hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
    array(2) {
    string(119) "the-mason-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-10-5-hairbrush-style-paddle-otk-for-consenting-adults-only"
    string(8) "4/17/576"
    string(1) "P"
    string(0) ""
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      string(6) "327290"
      string(1) "0"
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    string(11) "59.00000000"
    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200343203403f939eb7064868c9cf565e203ca9d8cd01efcfc6fd8d97c71fc1249e879b4629d87f7ddcc8dd9357857ebee4d1cc1f364a058aea51de33eeed0fc8bc541fa4648236dc000870ac39f4c91289592c2550664cde58f7d9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
    string(5) "56521"
    string(70) "Stevie Rose’s Hairbrush: 11.5” Hairbrush-Style OTK Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(0) ""
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "193"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "2"
    string(5) "1.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "P"
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    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(11) "69.00000000"
    string(2025) "We’ve partnered with Stevie Rose from I Heart Spankings to offer a classic hairbrush style paddle shapes in Stevie’s selection of stunning hardwoods: 

Walnut - medium weight, balanced sting/thud with some burn
Mahogany - medium weight, balanced sting/thud with some burn
Flame Maple - medium weight, hard and stingy with some thud
Bubinga - heavy with a great balance of sting/thud for experienced spanking enthusiasts

🍑 Paddle Dimensions: 11.5” long x 3.5“ wide x .58” thick 
🍑 This classic oval hairbrush shape is ideal for OTK, but suits a variety of positions thanks to the longer handle.  
🍑 Includes a matching leather wrist strap. If you prefer cord, please let us know in your order notes. 
🍑We recommend this paddle for all levels of spanking experience. 

🍑As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only. 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you cho'ose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ONLY for use between consenting adults  
NATURAL hardwood finished with food & body safe beeswax 
SILKY SMOOTH rounded edges and surfaces 
FREE from paints, dyes, stains, lacquers or chemicals 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged 
Contact us for custom orders and special requests!"
    array(2) {
    string(130) "stevie-roses-hairbrush-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-3-beautiful-hardwoods-11-5-hairbrush-style-paddle-otk-consenting-adults-only"
    string(8) "4/17/576"
    string(1) "P"
    string(0) ""
    array(7) {
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    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
    string(5) "56511"
    string(49) "Genuine African Teak Spa-Inspired Spanking Paddle"
    string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(1) "2"
    string(5) "1.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(10) "1723248644"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
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    string(1924) "Our Genuine African Teak spanking paddle is a handcrafted beauty in this warm and highly desirable exotic wood. This is a medium-weight implement that will bring sting, burn and a little thud to your spanking scenario. Spencer first made this paddle as a special order, but we loved the wood and clean simple shape. Now that our local woodshop stocks Teak lumber, we are happy to make this spanking toy a permanent part of our catalog!
🍑 14.125” long x 3.125“ wide x .625” (5/8”) thick 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - packaged item cannot be identified"
    array(2) {
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      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(7) "Arizona"
  array(79) {
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    string(1920) "The Brat is a half-length frat paddle made just long enough to deliver a swat across the seat. Handy for single-cheek swats as well! This paddle will deliver a “discipline” element to your spanking scenario, while still sensual and fun with lighter strokes.  Choose from 6 beautiful hardwoods, or contact us for a personalized recommendation. Additional custom-order woods available.  
🍑 14” long x 3.5“ wide x .56” (9/16”) thick 
🍑 Handle is ideal for most hand sizes 
🍑 All LRS paddles feature silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges 
🍑 Includes a matching leather or cord wrist strap (choose on the order form) 
🍑 We recommend this paddle for all levels of experience 
🍑 Natural hardwood finished with body-safe mineral oil and beeswax (for external use only) 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the paddle that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
    array(2) {
    string(117) "the-brat-spanking-paddle-your-choice-of-6-elegant-hardwoods-14-half-size-frat-style-paddle-for-consenting-adults-only"
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    array(35) {
      string(19) "Little Red Spanking"
      string(11) "PO Box 3951"
      string(7) "Gilbert"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "AZ"
      string(5) "85299"
      string(10) "0000000000"
      string(0) ""
      string(39) "Https://etsy.com/shop/littleredspanking"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
      string(27) "littleredspanking@gmail.com"
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      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "193"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
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    string(2416) "If you love the idea of a heavy, buttery strap of dark leather looped over and wielded with power, firmness, and accuracy over a consenting and well-deserving bottom, do we have the strap for you!

Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap is heavy, high quality English Bridle Leather in a rich, chocolate brown hue, beveled and detailed, then doubled over and firmly fixed into the handle with Chicago screws.  The Bubinga hardwood handle provides additional weight, balance and beauty. This handle features the same silky smooth finish and fully rounded edges you will find on all LRS wood paddles and spanking toys. Spencer’s Looped Spanking Strap is suitable for single-cheek or full-bottom strokes and can easily be wielded by beginners and professional disciplinarians alike. 

Expect this strap to break in with use. The more you use it, the more you’ll want to use it again!
🍑 The leather we use for Spencer’s Looped Strap is 9 to 10 oz Wickett & Craig English Bridle Leather.  
🍑 Our Bubinga handles are 10” long and .8” thick with smooth rounded edges to provide a comfortable, firm grip and swinging balance for all hand sizes. Bubinga is a dense West African wood also known as African Rosewood and Kevazingo.  
🍑 Includes a matching leather wrist/hanging strap 
🍑 As always, LRS paddles are for consenting adults only 
CONTACT US: New to spanking? Looking for something different or unsure what to choose? Use the Contact Us button to let us know how we can help! We are happy to work with you to help you choose the implement that is right for you. We also take custom requests. We have a large variety of domestic and exotic woods on hand ready to be shaped into your perfect paddle.  
WHO WE ARE: We are Spencer & Abby, lifelong spanking aficionados and partners in all things, spanking and otherwise. Spencer handcrafts our paddles with an eye for design and attention to fine detail. We understand that customer service, quality products, and discretion are all equally important in this unique business. We love matching you, our fellow spanking enthusiasts, with the wood and paddle design that is just right for your impact play style.  
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - we only use woods harvested sustainably and we use every available inch of board - little to no wood goes to waste 
DISCREET shipment from LRE, LLC - item cannot be identified while packaged"
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