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  string(3080) "Order Processing Time

Orders are processed in the order they are received (please see below for a timeline of order processing)

Payment authorized by your bank (this can take up to two business days but generally happen within a few hours of purchase)

If we have the items you ordered in stock and already made we will began to process your order and usually will ship same day or next day depending on what day and time you order. Before 3PM EST Mon-Thur & 12PM EST Fri.

If your items need to be created then creation time can range from 2-5 business days. We are a 100% handmade business we only carry a limited supply of already made products on hand. 90% of our orders are made when the order is placed.

Final inspection is made and packaging occurs and shipping label is created.

We make post office runs at the end of the day.

Shipping Policy and Transit Times

USPS Shipping Within The U.S (including Alaska & Puerto Rico)

When you find the item you wish to order, you will be offered a list of delivery service options.

USPS First Class Package Shipping is the default delivery service (This shipping is always free for any order size)This is the least expensive shipping option and delivery time varies from 2-5 business days within the continental United States. All shipments are traceable with any of our shipping methods. Faster USPS shipping methods are available for additional charge.

We ship orders during standard business hours, Monday - Friday. All transit times are calculated in business days (Sat-Sun and Holidays do not apply). Orders received prior to 3:00 EST will usually ship the same business day (If item is already made please see processing time). We do our best to ship all orders as soon as possible. Your order will be shipped using the shipping service you request. If you place an order on a weekend day or national holiday it will be processed the next business day.

We cannot guarantee order cancellations. If your order has not been started or shipped we will generally cancel the order upon request.

Customer may be charged an additional SHIPPING fee for any refused or undelivered shipment due to customer's incorrect addressed entered on the order form which must be reshipped. Any shipment that needs to be re-shipped will be charged at the same shipping charges that apply to the original order.

Order Tracking

All of our merchandise ships via United States Postal Service (USPS) are traceable online at the following address: http://usps.com You will need your shipment tracking number Which can be found in your order email or your account page on our website. After your order has shipped, you will receive a notification email with tracking number.

We do not ship to PO, APO or FPO
All transit times are calculated in business days (Sat-Sun and Holidays do not apply).
We do not guarantee transit times for USPS First Class Package Shipping (Free Option). The following transit times are based on USPS First Class Package Service (95% accuracy on First Class Package transit times)."
  string(1657) "Returns
Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned.
Custom Work/Orders
Gift cards
Health & Beauty
Any open or used items

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)
Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery, will not be accepted
Refunds (if applicable)
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at jadestropicalcreations@gmail.com.

Sale items (if applicable)
Only regular priced items may be refunded, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded."
  string(497) "CHECKOUT our official website! www.jadestropicalcreations.com and don't forget to subscribe to get 10% off your first order.
Don't forget to follow me over on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Jadestropicalcreations/.
Handcrafted products using the best natural ingredients:
--USA grown vegan soy wax: non-toxic, biodegradable, clean-burning.
--Premium, High-quality fragrance oils: non-toxic
--Our suppliers have been verified and they do NOT test on animals. We don't test on animals."
  string(25) "Jade's Tropical Creations"
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  string(9) "Riverview"
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  string(26) "11425 Carlton Fields Drive"
  string(9) "Riverview"
  string(2) "FL"
  string(2) "US"
  string(5) "33579"
  string(32) "jadestropicalcreations@gmail.com"
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        string(140) "Ride That Dick Candle, Gifts For Her, Boyfriend Gift, Naughty Gift For Him, When Lit, Dirty Talk, Girlfriend Gift, Inappropriate Gift, Penis"
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        string(1773) "If this is lit, I want to ride that dick...
Why Our Candles?
★ Natural Soy Wax
★ Hand Poured In The U.S
★ Eco-Friendly & Cruelty-Free
★ Burn Time Approx* 35-80 Hours
★ Scent Throw That You Can Actually Smell

Burn Candles Responsibly
Burn Within Sight
Keep Away from Combustibles
Keep Away from Children
Do Not Consume

Ingredients- Soy wax, Wax Dye, Premium Fragrance oils.

*WARNING* Never leave burning candles unattended and burn on a heat safe, flat surface. Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets. For best results, trim wick to 1/4 of an inch for each use. Do not burn for more than four hours at a time. Keep away from drafts. Discontinue use when only 1/2 inch of wax remains.

*Frosting or discolorations in wax sometimes occurs in pure soy candles leaving a frosted appearance on the candle which can be seen when using glass containers. It mainly occurs and appears in darker colored candles, but can simply occur in any pure soy candle. Frosting and other appearance deviations will not affect the burn performance of the candle.

**When burning your candle for the first time, make sure to burn it between 1-2 hours, or until the whole top of the candle is melted. The first burn is the most important and doing so will make sure your candle burns evenly and you can enjoy the full fragrance.

Tip for successful burning -Please let the candle burn long enough to get the entire top of candle turned into a pool of liquid wax. This takes about an hour per inch in diameter of the Jar. This will help to prevent "tunneling" in your candle.

PLEASE NOTE: Since my candles are handcrafted each batch can turn out looking differently, so they will vary slightly from the last. Colors may vary from picture."
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        string(3090) "If this is lit, I'll show you my tits...
Why Our Candles?
★ Natural Soy Wax
★ Hand Poured In The U.S
★ Eco-Friendly & Cruelty-Free
★ Burn Time Approx* 35-80 Hours
★ Scent Throw That You Can Actually Smell

This listing is for 8oz Candle
Choose one of the scents below and put in notes, if none chosen will default to Mahogany Teakwood. Thanks.
Bahama Breeze- Discover a paradise of delicious aroma with our Bahama breeze fragrance! Enjoy the delightful combination of sparkling citrus fruits, pineapple, coconut, mango, papaya, sugared vanilla, & clear musk! Let your senses be tantalized with a blissful escape to an island getaway!
Black Amber Lavender- Exotic Egyptian amber & elegant French Lavender creates a rich & comforting fragrance. Hints of tonka bean and myrrh conform to add sophistication, creating the ideal balance of sweet floral and warm earthy notes.
Cashmere Cedar- Delicate sweet top notes of sugared vanilla sprinkle over a bed of petals & finish with a smooth, woody base.
Lavender Vanilla-A tranquil blend of soft lavender and creamy vanilla.
Mahogany Teakwood- Cedar wood & oak wood intertwine with warm mahogany to create the perfect masculine scent for any season. Topped with hints of clean lavender & rosy nuances of geranium.
Raspberry & Vanilla Cream- Delightful blend of raspberries and sweet vanilla cream.
Strawberry Cream Cake- Sweetened cake topped with fresh strawberries, and lots of whipped cream. 
Vanilla Buttercream- A rich, creamy vanilla bean with hints of butter and sweet sugar.

Burn Candles Responsibly
Burn Within Sight
Keep Away from Combustibles
Keep Away from Children
Do Not Consume

Ingredients- Soy wax, Wax Dye, Premium Fragrance oils.

*WARNING* Never leave burning candles unattended and burn on a heat safe, flat surface. Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets. For best results, trim wick to 1/4 of an inch for each use. Do not burn for more than four hours at a time. Keep away from drafts. Discontinue use when only 1/2 inch of wax remains.

*Frosting or discolorations in wax sometimes occurs in pure soy candles leaving a frosted appearance on the candle which can be seen when using glass containers. It mainly occurs and appears in darker colored candles, but can simply occur in any pure soy candle. Frosting and other appearance deviations will not affect the burn performance of the candle.

**When burning your candle for the first time, make sure to burn it between 1-2 hours, or until the whole top of the candle is melted. The first burn is the most important and doing so will make sure your candle burns evenly and you can enjoy the full fragrance.

Tip for successful burning -Please let the candle burn long enough to get the entire top of candle turned into a pool of liquid wax. This takes about an hour per inch in diameter of the Jar. This will help to prevent "tunneling" in your candle.

PLEASE NOTE: Since my candles are handcrafted each batch can turn out looking differently, so they will vary slightly from the last. Colors may vary from picture."
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Spicerack Market
20200 West Dixie Highway
Suite 902
Aventura, FL 33180

" ["content"]=> string(55170) "
Jade's Tropical Creations
Jade's Tropical Creations
United States
Member Since 2024

Based on another platform

About Jade's Tropical Creations

CHECKOUT our official website! www.jadestropicalcreations.com and don't forget to subscribe to get 10% off your first order. Don't forget to follow me over on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Jadestropicalcreations/. Handcrafted products using the best natural ingredients: --USA grown vegan soy wax: non-toxic, biodegradable, clean-burning. --Premium, High-quality fragrance oils: non-toxic --Our suppliers have been verified and they do NOT test on animals. We don't test on animals.
Shop categories
Ask a question
Naughty Candles


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Shop policies

Order Processing Time Orders are processed in the order they are received (please see below for a timeline of order processing) Payment authorized by your bank (this can take up to two business days but generally happen within a few hours of purchase) If we have the items you ordered in stock and already made we will began to process your order and usually will ship same day or next day depending on what day and time you order. Before 3PM EST Mon-Thur & 12PM EST Fri. If your items need to be created then creation time can range from 2-5 business days. We are a 100% handmade business we only carry a limited supply of already made products on hand. 90% of our orders are made when the order is placed. Final inspection is made and packaging occurs and shipping label is created. We make post office runs at the end of the day. Shipping Policy and Transit Times USPS Shipping Within The U.S (including Alaska & Puerto Rico) When you find the item you wish to order, you will be offered a list of delivery service options. USPS First Class Package Shipping is the default delivery service (This shipping is always free for any order size)This is the least expensive shipping option and delivery time varies from 2-5 business days within the continental United States. All shipments are traceable with any of our shipping methods. Faster USPS shipping methods are available for additional charge. We ship orders during standard business hours, Monday - Friday. All transit times are calculated in business days (Sat-Sun and Holidays do not apply). Orders received prior to 3:00 EST will usually ship the same business day (If item is already made please see processing time). We do our best to ship all orders as soon as possible. Your order will be shipped using the shipping service you request. If you place an order on a weekend day or national holiday it will be processed the next business day. We cannot guarantee order cancellations. If your order has not been started or shipped we will generally cancel the order upon request. Customer may be charged an additional SHIPPING fee for any refused or undelivered shipment due to customer's incorrect addressed entered on the order form which must be reshipped. Any shipment that needs to be re-shipped will be charged at the same shipping charges that apply to the original order. Order Tracking All of our merchandise ships via United States Postal Service (USPS) are traceable online at the following address: http://usps.com You will need your shipment tracking number Which can be found in your order email or your account page on our website. After your order has shipped, you will receive a notification email with tracking number. We do not ship to PO, APO or FPO All transit times are calculated in business days (Sat-Sun and Holidays do not apply). We do not guarantee transit times for USPS First Class Package Shipping (Free Option). The following transit times are based on USPS First Class Package Service (95% accuracy on First Class Package transit times).
Returns Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Custom Work/Orders Gift cards Health & Beauty Any open or used items There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable) Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery, will not be accepted Refunds (if applicable) Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days. Late or missing refunds (if applicable) If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted. Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted. If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at jadestropicalcreations@gmail.com. Sale items (if applicable) Only regular priced items may be refunded, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded.
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    string(1773) "If this is lit, I want to ride that dick...
Why Our Candles?
★ Natural Soy Wax
★ Hand Poured In The U.S
★ Eco-Friendly & Cruelty-Free
★ Burn Time Approx* 35-80 Hours
★ Scent Throw That You Can Actually Smell

Burn Candles Responsibly
Burn Within Sight
Keep Away from Combustibles
Keep Away from Children
Do Not Consume

Ingredients- Soy wax, Wax Dye, Premium Fragrance oils.

*WARNING* Never leave burning candles unattended and burn on a heat safe, flat surface. Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets. For best results, trim wick to 1/4 of an inch for each use. Do not burn for more than four hours at a time. Keep away from drafts. Discontinue use when only 1/2 inch of wax remains.

*Frosting or discolorations in wax sometimes occurs in pure soy candles leaving a frosted appearance on the candle which can be seen when using glass containers. It mainly occurs and appears in darker colored candles, but can simply occur in any pure soy candle. Frosting and other appearance deviations will not affect the burn performance of the candle.

**When burning your candle for the first time, make sure to burn it between 1-2 hours, or until the whole top of the candle is melted. The first burn is the most important and doing so will make sure your candle burns evenly and you can enjoy the full fragrance.

Tip for successful burning -Please let the candle burn long enough to get the entire top of candle turned into a pool of liquid wax. This takes about an hour per inch in diameter of the Jar. This will help to prevent "tunneling" in your candle.

PLEASE NOTE: Since my candles are handcrafted each batch can turn out looking differently, so they will vary slightly from the last. Colors may vary from picture."
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    string(3090) "If this is lit, I'll show you my tits...
Why Our Candles?
★ Natural Soy Wax
★ Hand Poured In The U.S
★ Eco-Friendly & Cruelty-Free
★ Burn Time Approx* 35-80 Hours
★ Scent Throw That You Can Actually Smell

This listing is for 8oz Candle
Choose one of the scents below and put in notes, if none chosen will default to Mahogany Teakwood. Thanks.
Bahama Breeze- Discover a paradise of delicious aroma with our Bahama breeze fragrance! Enjoy the delightful combination of sparkling citrus fruits, pineapple, coconut, mango, papaya, sugared vanilla, & clear musk! Let your senses be tantalized with a blissful escape to an island getaway!
Black Amber Lavender- Exotic Egyptian amber & elegant French Lavender creates a rich & comforting fragrance. Hints of tonka bean and myrrh conform to add sophistication, creating the ideal balance of sweet floral and warm earthy notes.
Cashmere Cedar- Delicate sweet top notes of sugared vanilla sprinkle over a bed of petals & finish with a smooth, woody base.
Lavender Vanilla-A tranquil blend of soft lavender and creamy vanilla.
Mahogany Teakwood- Cedar wood & oak wood intertwine with warm mahogany to create the perfect masculine scent for any season. Topped with hints of clean lavender & rosy nuances of geranium.
Raspberry & Vanilla Cream- Delightful blend of raspberries and sweet vanilla cream.
Strawberry Cream Cake- Sweetened cake topped with fresh strawberries, and lots of whipped cream. 
Vanilla Buttercream- A rich, creamy vanilla bean with hints of butter and sweet sugar.

Burn Candles Responsibly
Burn Within Sight
Keep Away from Combustibles
Keep Away from Children
Do Not Consume

Ingredients- Soy wax, Wax Dye, Premium Fragrance oils.

*WARNING* Never leave burning candles unattended and burn on a heat safe, flat surface. Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets. For best results, trim wick to 1/4 of an inch for each use. Do not burn for more than four hours at a time. Keep away from drafts. Discontinue use when only 1/2 inch of wax remains.

*Frosting or discolorations in wax sometimes occurs in pure soy candles leaving a frosted appearance on the candle which can be seen when using glass containers. It mainly occurs and appears in darker colored candles, but can simply occur in any pure soy candle. Frosting and other appearance deviations will not affect the burn performance of the candle.

**When burning your candle for the first time, make sure to burn it between 1-2 hours, or until the whole top of the candle is melted. The first burn is the most important and doing so will make sure your candle burns evenly and you can enjoy the full fragrance.

Tip for successful burning -Please let the candle burn long enough to get the entire top of candle turned into a pool of liquid wax. This takes about an hour per inch in diameter of the Jar. This will help to prevent "tunneling" in your candle.

PLEASE NOTE: Since my candles are handcrafted each batch can turn out looking differently, so they will vary slightly from the last. Colors may vary from picture."
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