  product_id IN (
    62270, 62271, 62272, 62273, 62274, 62275, 
    62276, 62277, 62278, 62279, 62280, 
    62281, 62282, 62283, 62284, 62285, 
    62286, 62287, 62288, 62289, 62290, 
    62291, 62292, 62293
  AND feature_id IN (1444, 1445, 1446) 
  AND lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00236

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "cost_info": {
      "query_cost": "3.82"
    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_product_features_values",
      "access_type": "range",
      "possible_keys": [
      "key": "PRIMARY",
      "used_key_parts": [
      "key_length": "15",
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 8,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 8,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "using_index_for_skip_scan": true,
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "3.02",
        "eval_cost": "0.80",
        "prefix_cost": "3.82",
        "data_read_per_join": "6K"
      "used_columns": [
      "attached_condition": "((`cscartdb`.`cscart_product_features_values`.`product_id` in (62270,62271,62272,62273,62274,62275,62276,62277,62278,62279,62280,62281,62282,62283,62284,62285,62286,62287,62288,62289,62290,62291,62292,62293)) and (`cscartdb`.`cscart_product_features_values`.`feature_id` in (1444,1445,1446)) and (`cscartdb`.`cscart_product_features_values`.`lang_code` = 'en'))"


product_id feature_id variant_id
62270 1444 5816
62271 1444 5816
62272 1444 5816
62273 1444 5816
62274 1444 5816
62275 1444 5816
62276 1444 5817
62277 1444 5817
62278 1444 5817
62279 1444 5817
62280 1444 5817
62281 1444 5817
62282 1444 5818
62283 1444 5818
62284 1444 5818
62285 1444 5818
62286 1444 5818
62287 1444 5818
62288 1444 5819
62289 1444 5819
62290 1444 5819
62291 1444 5819
62292 1444 5819
62293 1444 5819
62270 1445 5820
62271 1445 5820
62272 1445 5820
62273 1445 5821
62274 1445 5821
62275 1445 5821
62276 1445 5820
62277 1445 5820
62278 1445 5820
62279 1445 5821
62280 1445 5821
62281 1445 5821
62282 1445 5820
62283 1445 5820
62284 1445 5820
62285 1445 5821
62286 1445 5821
62287 1445 5821
62288 1445 5820
62289 1445 5820
62290 1445 5820
62291 1445 5821
62292 1445 5821
62293 1445 5821
62270 1446 5822
62271 1446 5823
62272 1446 5824
62273 1446 5822
62274 1446 5823
62275 1446 5824
62276 1446 5822
62277 1446 5823
62278 1446 5824
62279 1446 5822
62280 1446 5823
62281 1446 5824
62282 1446 5822
62283 1446 5823
62284 1446 5824
62285 1446 5822
62286 1446 5823
62287 1446 5824
62288 1446 5822
62289 1446 5823
62290 1446 5824
62291 1446 5822
62292 1446 5823
62293 1446 5824