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Template variables
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Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply

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  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35515
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35516
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35517
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35518
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35519
  • Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply Image # 35521

Return policy

Returns: Due to the highly custom and intimate nature of our products, returns and refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis only. We gladly accept returns in the event of our error, occurring either in the making process or due to fulfillment mistakes (we are human, after all), and the items remain completely unused; we must be contacted within 7 days of receipt to process these returns, and we will provide a shipping label for these circumstances. If accepted, all other returns will require return shipping to be paid for by the customer, and are subject to a restocking fee. If you have any questions about your purchase, before or after receipt, please never hesitate to contact us!
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Inspired by the traditional scroll work of English silversmiths this wonderfully engraved solid wood paddle performs superbly for pattern play and never fails to make an impression.
• The precision engraving transfers the...
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This product ships with in 14 days or less from Richmond, VA

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LVX Supply & Co. was created for YOU, the pro-Will, sex positive lovers of the world who demand premium tools, toys, and accessories that enhance your life and practice. Everything you order is made by us, by hand, and to-order, here in our shop located in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Using a mixture of traditional and modern tools, we bring items to life using wood, metal, leather, fabric, rope, rubber, and more!

Shop safely on our platform, knowing that all purchases are backed by Spicerack. If something goes wrong with your order you can rest easy knowing that Spicerack is here to support you every step of the way. See Terms & Conditions

Return policy

Returns: Due to the highly custom and intimate nature of our products, returns and refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis only. We gladly accept returns in the event of our error, occurring either in the making process or due to fulfillment mistakes (we are human, after all), and the items remain completely unused; we must be contacted within 7 days of receipt to process these returns, and we will provide a shipping label for these circumstances. If accepted, all other returns will require return shipping to be paid for by the customer, and are subject to a restocking fee. If you have any questions about your purchase, before or after receipt, please never hesitate to contact us!

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  string(6414) "Inspired by the traditional scroll work of English silversmiths this wonderfully engraved solid wood paddle performs superbly for pattern play and never fails to make an impression.  
• The precision engraving transfers the detailed scroll work pattern to the skin. With a lighter touch, reveal the geometric redness that will be gone in minutes. With a little extra oomph and the pattern will pucker and stipple. Let loose the fury and achieve patterned bruises and even blood patterning for those with a heavier hand.  
• Beautiful and functionally flexible, this paddle offers something truly unique for everyone involved. It even looks great hanging, waiting patiently to be used again and again.  
■ Made just for you!  
Built for all levels of BDSM impact play. Designed for everyone in need of a spanking, from the curious novice, DDlg Little, to the hardcore dungeon slave and the Masterful Femdom, our premium toys are built to enhance your play for a lifetime.  
■ Premium Quality Materials - Always.  
Select from our wide variety of premium exotic and domestic hardwoods, and we'll meticulously carve your new paddle from the raw wood.  
■ 100% Handcrafted by LVX Supply  
As with all of our products, these wonderful paddles are made entirely by us from raw materials in Richmond, VA, USA.  As always, we make each paddle to order, using modern and traditional wood working techniques- providing you with a premium elegance and optimal function for your next spanking scene.  

▌ DETAILS :---------------- 
Length: 12.5"  
Width: 5.5" 
Thick: ~0.75"+ 
▌ WOOD GUIDE - Know & Choose your wood: 
All of the woods below are wonderful for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well. 
For the sake of comparing some physical characteristics of the different woods, I'll abbreviate some markers: 
D = the higher the number, the heavier the paddle.  
N = the higher the number the harder the wood. 
▸OAK: (choose from natural or stained!) 
This North American medium density hardwood, provides a heavier overall paddle with more thud. Recommended for beginner users and those looking for a higher level of impact and weightier balance at a great price point. (D=42, N=4720) 
A fantastic North American domestic hardwood that falls in the medium density range, like oak. This hardwood has been an American favorite since before the US was founded. Coveted for it’s chocolaty brown tones and wonderful weight, Walnut works very well for a strong & stingy paddle with a little extra oomph. (D=38, N=4490) 
A wonderful African medium to high density hardwood offering a fantastic balance between thud and sting. The bright red/orange color naturally ages into a beautifully rich reddish brown over the years. More weighty than oak and walnut, this is a great paddle for those looking for a solid and colorful mix of thud and sting. (D=47. N=8760) 
This African beauty features a mixture of straight and interlocking grain, producing wonderful chatoyancy (a natural refracting of light) when finished. This wood has been a popular wood for everything from fine furniture to boat building around the world. As a paddle, it provides a wonderfully balanced weight in the hand, and plenty of impact on the receiving end. (D=40, N=4760) 
Found from Mexico to southern Brazil, purpleheart is a favorite in the community for its rich purple color. But did you know that its quite hard and heavy too, making it superbly balanced toward the thuddy end of the spectrum. Like many heartwoods, the brilliant purple color will fade to a dark brown with a purple tint with UV exposure. However, unlike many that you see online, we do not artificially dye or stain our purpleheart. We use the ancient, and tedious, art of Shou Shugi Ban to preserve the brilliant eggplant purple color for life! (D=56, N=11,190 !!!) 
This superbly dense Mexican Ebony is perfect for those looking for serious weight and thud from an all wooden paddle. The wonderful variation in heart and sapwoods makes for a unique and extremely beautiful pieces. This paddle is weighty, similar to our steel paddles! And it has all of the thud to back it up. There is a TON of variation in the grain and tonal patterns of this wood. I will use my best taste to select pieces that offer the most interest. Front and back colorings are nearly always beautifully different. (D=72, N= 16260) !!! 
This Central African wood has a fantastic grain height and texture, and although very dark and uniform in color, it still has a ton of character. Wenge is another superb paddle wood for those looking for something uniquely beautiful and elegant, in look and function. (D= 54, N=8600) 
This African powerhouse is a paddle wood if there were ever one. It has an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio (D=56, N=10720), making it a great choice for those looking for a lot of strength but not as much weight as the beastly Katalox. Bubinga also features a host of stunning grain figures, such as flamed, pommele, and waterfall, which make this wood truly unique. (D=56, N=10720) 
Along with Bocote, Zebrawood has such a wonderful grain it basically makes words moot. Contrasting light and dark tones in the figure give anything made with zebrawood an immediate amount of draw and character. (D=50, N=8160) 
From Mexico, Bocote is one of those woods that makes a description pointless. Just look at it...Yes, it's dense, heavy, and pretty hard. But really, just look at it, not much else matters. Unfortunately, that 'ooooh' factor also comes with a price tag almost as heavy as the wood itself. (D=53, N=8950) 
* All stained wooden items are protected with a food safe, all natural butcher block oil. 
** non-stained wood items are protected with an all natural vegan wax polish 
All of the above woods are acceptable for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well.  
Handmade BDSM Bondage Restraints, Paddles, Leather, and more from Richmond, Virginia. Local pick up available, just message for details! Thanks for looking!"
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          string(1) "5"
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          string(5) "0.000"
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    string(138) "Regal Floral Spanking Paddle | Wood BDSM Paddle for DDlg Submissive Slave Punishment Otk BDsM-gear Impact Toys | BDSM Paddle by LVX Supply"
    string(6414) "Inspired by the traditional scroll work of English silversmiths this wonderfully engraved solid wood paddle performs superbly for pattern play and never fails to make an impression.  
• The precision engraving transfers the detailed scroll work pattern to the skin. With a lighter touch, reveal the geometric redness that will be gone in minutes. With a little extra oomph and the pattern will pucker and stipple. Let loose the fury and achieve patterned bruises and even blood patterning for those with a heavier hand.  
• Beautiful and functionally flexible, this paddle offers something truly unique for everyone involved. It even looks great hanging, waiting patiently to be used again and again.  
■ Made just for you!  
Built for all levels of BDSM impact play. Designed for everyone in need of a spanking, from the curious novice, DDlg Little, to the hardcore dungeon slave and the Masterful Femdom, our premium toys are built to enhance your play for a lifetime.  
■ Premium Quality Materials - Always.  
Select from our wide variety of premium exotic and domestic hardwoods, and we'll meticulously carve your new paddle from the raw wood.  
■ 100% Handcrafted by LVX Supply  
As with all of our products, these wonderful paddles are made entirely by us from raw materials in Richmond, VA, USA.  As always, we make each paddle to order, using modern and traditional wood working techniques- providing you with a premium elegance and optimal function for your next spanking scene.  

▌ DETAILS :---------------- 
Length: 12.5"  
Width: 5.5" 
Thick: ~0.75"+ 
▌ WOOD GUIDE - Know & Choose your wood: 
All of the woods below are wonderful for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well. 
For the sake of comparing some physical characteristics of the different woods, I'll abbreviate some markers: 
D = the higher the number, the heavier the paddle.  
N = the higher the number the harder the wood. 
▸OAK: (choose from natural or stained!) 
This North American medium density hardwood, provides a heavier overall paddle with more thud. Recommended for beginner users and those looking for a higher level of impact and weightier balance at a great price point. (D=42, N=4720) 
A fantastic North American domestic hardwood that falls in the medium density range, like oak. This hardwood has been an American favorite since before the US was founded. Coveted for it’s chocolaty brown tones and wonderful weight, Walnut works very well for a strong & stingy paddle with a little extra oomph. (D=38, N=4490) 
A wonderful African medium to high density hardwood offering a fantastic balance between thud and sting. The bright red/orange color naturally ages into a beautifully rich reddish brown over the years. More weighty than oak and walnut, this is a great paddle for those looking for a solid and colorful mix of thud and sting. (D=47. N=8760) 
This African beauty features a mixture of straight and interlocking grain, producing wonderful chatoyancy (a natural refracting of light) when finished. This wood has been a popular wood for everything from fine furniture to boat building around the world. As a paddle, it provides a wonderfully balanced weight in the hand, and plenty of impact on the receiving end. (D=40, N=4760) 
Found from Mexico to southern Brazil, purpleheart is a favorite in the community for its rich purple color. But did you know that its quite hard and heavy too, making it superbly balanced toward the thuddy end of the spectrum. Like many heartwoods, the brilliant purple color will fade to a dark brown with a purple tint with UV exposure. However, unlike many that you see online, we do not artificially dye or stain our purpleheart. We use the ancient, and tedious, art of Shou Shugi Ban to preserve the brilliant eggplant purple color for life! (D=56, N=11,190 !!!) 
This superbly dense Mexican Ebony is perfect for those looking for serious weight and thud from an all wooden paddle. The wonderful variation in heart and sapwoods makes for a unique and extremely beautiful pieces. This paddle is weighty, similar to our steel paddles! And it has all of the thud to back it up. There is a TON of variation in the grain and tonal patterns of this wood. I will use my best taste to select pieces that offer the most interest. Front and back colorings are nearly always beautifully different. (D=72, N= 16260) !!! 
This Central African wood has a fantastic grain height and texture, and although very dark and uniform in color, it still has a ton of character. Wenge is another superb paddle wood for those looking for something uniquely beautiful and elegant, in look and function. (D= 54, N=8600) 
This African powerhouse is a paddle wood if there were ever one. It has an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio (D=56, N=10720), making it a great choice for those looking for a lot of strength but not as much weight as the beastly Katalox. Bubinga also features a host of stunning grain figures, such as flamed, pommele, and waterfall, which make this wood truly unique. (D=56, N=10720) 
Along with Bocote, Zebrawood has such a wonderful grain it basically makes words moot. Contrasting light and dark tones in the figure give anything made with zebrawood an immediate amount of draw and character. (D=50, N=8160) 
From Mexico, Bocote is one of those woods that makes a description pointless. Just look at it...Yes, it's dense, heavy, and pretty hard. But really, just look at it, not much else matters. Unfortunately, that 'ooooh' factor also comes with a price tag almost as heavy as the wood itself. (D=53, N=8950) 
* All stained wooden items are protected with a food safe, all natural butcher block oil. 
** non-stained wood items are protected with an all natural vegan wax polish 
All of the above woods are acceptable for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well.  
Handmade BDSM Bondage Restraints, Paddles, Leather, and more from Richmond, Virginia. Local pick up available, just message for details! Thanks for looking!"
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    string(6414) "Inspired by the traditional scroll work of English silversmiths this wonderfully engraved solid wood paddle performs superbly for pattern play and never fails to make an impression.  
• The precision engraving transfers the detailed scroll work pattern to the skin. With a lighter touch, reveal the geometric redness that will be gone in minutes. With a little extra oomph and the pattern will pucker and stipple. Let loose the fury and achieve patterned bruises and even blood patterning for those with a heavier hand.  
• Beautiful and functionally flexible, this paddle offers something truly unique for everyone involved. It even looks great hanging, waiting patiently to be used again and again.  
■ Made just for you!  
Built for all levels of BDSM impact play. Designed for everyone in need of a spanking, from the curious novice, DDlg Little, to the hardcore dungeon slave and the Masterful Femdom, our premium toys are built to enhance your play for a lifetime.  
■ Premium Quality Materials - Always.  
Select from our wide variety of premium exotic and domestic hardwoods, and we'll meticulously carve your new paddle from the raw wood.  
■ 100% Handcrafted by LVX Supply  
As with all of our products, these wonderful paddles are made entirely by us from raw materials in Richmond, VA, USA.  As always, we make each paddle to order, using modern and traditional wood working techniques- providing you with a premium elegance and optimal function for your next spanking scene.  

▌ DETAILS :---------------- 
Length: 12.5"  
Width: 5.5" 
Thick: ~0.75"+ 
▌ WOOD GUIDE - Know & Choose your wood: 
All of the woods below are wonderful for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well. 
For the sake of comparing some physical characteristics of the different woods, I'll abbreviate some markers: 
D = the higher the number, the heavier the paddle.  
N = the higher the number the harder the wood. 
▸OAK: (choose from natural or stained!) 
This North American medium density hardwood, provides a heavier overall paddle with more thud. Recommended for beginner users and those looking for a higher level of impact and weightier balance at a great price point. (D=42, N=4720) 
A fantastic North American domestic hardwood that falls in the medium density range, like oak. This hardwood has been an American favorite since before the US was founded. Coveted for it’s chocolaty brown tones and wonderful weight, Walnut works very well for a strong & stingy paddle with a little extra oomph. (D=38, N=4490) 
A wonderful African medium to high density hardwood offering a fantastic balance between thud and sting. The bright red/orange color naturally ages into a beautifully rich reddish brown over the years. More weighty than oak and walnut, this is a great paddle for those looking for a solid and colorful mix of thud and sting. (D=47. N=8760) 
This African beauty features a mixture of straight and interlocking grain, producing wonderful chatoyancy (a natural refracting of light) when finished. This wood has been a popular wood for everything from fine furniture to boat building around the world. As a paddle, it provides a wonderfully balanced weight in the hand, and plenty of impact on the receiving end. (D=40, N=4760) 
Found from Mexico to southern Brazil, purpleheart is a favorite in the community for its rich purple color. But did you know that its quite hard and heavy too, making it superbly balanced toward the thuddy end of the spectrum. Like many heartwoods, the brilliant purple color will fade to a dark brown with a purple tint with UV exposure. However, unlike many that you see online, we do not artificially dye or stain our purpleheart. We use the ancient, and tedious, art of Shou Shugi Ban to preserve the brilliant eggplant purple color for life! (D=56, N=11,190 !!!) 
This superbly dense Mexican Ebony is perfect for those looking for serious weight and thud from an all wooden paddle. The wonderful variation in heart and sapwoods makes for a unique and extremely beautiful pieces. This paddle is weighty, similar to our steel paddles! And it has all of the thud to back it up. There is a TON of variation in the grain and tonal patterns of this wood. I will use my best taste to select pieces that offer the most interest. Front and back colorings are nearly always beautifully different. (D=72, N= 16260) !!! 
This Central African wood has a fantastic grain height and texture, and although very dark and uniform in color, it still has a ton of character. Wenge is another superb paddle wood for those looking for something uniquely beautiful and elegant, in look and function. (D= 54, N=8600) 
This African powerhouse is a paddle wood if there were ever one. It has an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio (D=56, N=10720), making it a great choice for those looking for a lot of strength but not as much weight as the beastly Katalox. Bubinga also features a host of stunning grain figures, such as flamed, pommele, and waterfall, which make this wood truly unique. (D=56, N=10720) 
Along with Bocote, Zebrawood has such a wonderful grain it basically makes words moot. Contrasting light and dark tones in the figure give anything made with zebrawood an immediate amount of draw and character. (D=50, N=8160) 
From Mexico, Bocote is one of those woods that makes a description pointless. Just look at it...Yes, it's dense, heavy, and pretty hard. But really, just look at it, not much else matters. Unfortunately, that 'ooooh' factor also comes with a price tag almost as heavy as the wood itself. (D=53, N=8950) 
* All stained wooden items are protected with a food safe, all natural butcher block oil. 
** non-stained wood items are protected with an all natural vegan wax polish 
All of the above woods are acceptable for all levels of impact play. They are strong and suitable for many variations of use. The different species of wood offer not only visual interest but functional/feel as well.  
Handmade BDSM Bondage Restraints, Paddles, Leather, and more from Richmond, Virginia. Local pick up available, just message for details! Thanks for looking!"
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Due to the highly custom and intimate nature of our products, returns and refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis only.
We gladly accept returns in the event of our error, occurring either in the making process or due to fulfillment mistakes (we are human, after all), and the items remain completely unused; we must be contacted within 7 days of receipt to process these returns, and we will provide a shipping label for these circumstances.

If accepted, all other returns will require return shipping to be paid for by the customer, and are subject to a restocking fee.

If you have any questions about your purchase, before or after receipt, please never hesitate to contact us!"
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