  cscart_common_descriptions.description AS alt, 
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    20824, 63691, 63692, 63693, 63694, 
    63695, 20773, 63706, 63707, 63708, 
    63709, 63710, 20809, 63696, 63697, 
    63698, 63699, 63700, 20789, 63701, 
    63702, 63703, 63704, 63705, 14214, 
    15896, 17064, 20633, 20634, 20635, 
    20778, 63711, 63712, 63713, 63714, 
    63715, 14262, 15902, 14194, 15892, 
    20735, 63726, 63727, 63728, 63729, 
    63730, 14216, 15897, 14177, 15887, 
    20731, 63736, 63737, 63738, 63739, 
    63740, 20793, 63741, 63742, 63743, 
    63744, 63745, 14164, 15659, 14172, 
    15888, 35144, 35148, 35147, 35146, 
    35145, 35143, 17322, 26851, 26850, 
    26849, 16038

Query time 0.00475

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