  return_policy_descriptions.policy AS return_policy, 
  cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.plan, as seo_name, 
  cscart_seo_names.path as seo_path, 
  ) AS average_rating, 
    IF (
  ) AS company_thread_ids 
  cscart_companies AS companies 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_company_descriptions AS company_descriptions ON company_descriptions.company_id = companies.company_id 
  AND company_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions ON companies.plan_id = cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.plan_id 
  AND cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = 52 
  AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'm' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion ON cscart_discussion.object_id = companies.company_id 
  AND cscart_discussion.object_type = 'M' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion_posts ON cscart_discussion_posts.thread_id = cscart_discussion.thread_id 
  AND cscart_discussion_posts.status = 'A' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion_rating ON cscart_discussion.thread_id = cscart_discussion_rating.thread_id 
  AND cscart_discussion_rating.post_id = cscart_discussion_posts.post_id 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_return_policies AS return_policies ON return_policies.object_id = companies.company_id 
  AND return_policies.object_type = 'company' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_return_policy_descriptions AS return_policy_descriptions ON return_policy_descriptions.policy_id = return_policies.policy_id 
  AND return_policy_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_shop_policies AS shop_policies ON shop_policies.company_id = companies.company_id 
  AND shop_policies.lang_code = 'en' 
  companies.company_id = 52

Query time 0.00110

JSON explain

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52 en Welcome to our shop. Here are some basic information. Please feel free to message us with any other questions. Our products are made with 100% platinum cured silicone, that's it!! You can cancel your order at any time before the product has been produced. Once shipped there are no cancellation or returns. Make sure you order your sizing and firmness accordingly. If a product is found defective please message us with the issue and pictures and we will replace it for free. If it is aesthetic we can provide a credit compensate. All this is at our discretion. We do not share, sell or keep any of your personal/financial/address information other than to process your order. Due to the nature of the product no returns will be accepted. Please make sure of your sizing and firmness. Please contact us for assistance or questions about our products if you need additional infos. Elementaltoys 163 Chemin de l'anse Rigaud A Elementaltoys 163 Chemin de l'anse Rigaud QC CA j0p1p0 5147156470 none Y 1707246766 103 a:4:{s:14:"company_fields";a:8:{i:37;s:9:"Sebastien";i:38;s:6:"Rochon";i:52;s:16:"";i:58;s:0:"";i:54;s:0:"";i:55;s:0:"";i:56;s:57:"";i:57;s:0:"";}s:15:"admin_firstname";s:9:"Sebastien";s:14:"admin_lastname";s:6:"Rochon";s:6:"fields";a:5:{i:65;s:0:"";i:61;s:0:"";i:62;s:0:"";i:63;s:57:"";i:64;s:0:"";}} def50200b498269fc9adb32ec661babe1eb56389f999f3f3eeda01e2ba8432a4b75983fd91244dc35e576e34fc1cc29f04bf891bd6050949fbeffea09865eee3bbb8d7d919f0a95b2322c0bf3ad4be8017868cc717f6 1 1 N N N 0 0 0 0 JW4NRBAMNL8LQ Y N Y N 0 N 0 Y Df0EC3KDd2WdDALkf8RnmMFRdM5mmTm1E9p8W+y/iu8 Y 0 6622751 c0b608ed-2830-44d1-825a-4a730046f3d1 5353291 Elemental 0 0 0 We love toys!!! Why not share it with the world. N N Beta Plan elementaltoys 52_0