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Collars & Leashes

Padded Leather Choking Collar with Leash photo
Padded Leather Choking Collar with Leash photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
Striped Martingale Collar photo
Striped Martingale Collar photo
Discreet Shipping
Leather Collar Pink photo
Leather Collar Pink photo
Discreet Shipping
Classic Bondage Collar photo
Classic Bondage Collar photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Posture Collar photo
Posture Collar photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Short 12" Bondage Leash photo
Short 12" Bondage Leash photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Classic Bondage Collar with Side Rings photo
Classic Bondage Collar with Side Rings photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Tall Bondage Collar photo
Tall Bondage Collar photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Tall Bondage Collar with Side Rings photo
Tall Bondage Collar with Side Rings photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
Posture Collar with Side Rings photo
Posture Collar with Side Rings photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
25% Off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 - 16
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string(178) "Shop the highest quality padded and non-padded BDSM Collars, Day Collars, BDSM & Sex Leashes, and more. All collars and leashes are handmade and shipped with discreet packaging. "
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    string(3932) "Electrify your next scene and discover unrivaled elegance with our hand carved Padded Wood Collar.  Indulge in exotic hardwood options completed with superior full grain leather, and faced with supple padded garment liner.  Allow the form and function of a masterful work of art ease delicately into the skin for the ultimate bondage experience.  

▸Versatile by Design: 
An amalgamation of collar and stocks works superbly for restraining the neck/head. Beautifully worn, functionally superb, and versatile to the most imaginative of desires. The solid wood stocks are hand carved to match the curvature of the inner padded collar that is permanently attached. Easy in-and-out by way of the locking pin and latching buckle, a multitude of available through-holes for use with additional rope and leather attachments (sold separately) allow for an experience that is limited only by your own creativity.  
▸Coveted for Comfort: 
Handcrafted from premium full grain leathers. The thick hand-dyed outer gives immense support to the buttery-soft garment leather lining. Every piece eased into your skin through the use of comfortable layers of cotton based padding, making for a perfect choice for those long and demanding sessions.  
▸ 100% Masterfully Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
Handmade from start to finish, these pieces are icons of elegance, uniquely designed and made using only the best hand selected materials. We take pride in hand crafting each item, offering lifetime pieces that will age beautifully and last forever when treated with respect. Place your order today and we will get started immediately.  
▸ Customized to match your style:  
It is our pleasure to offer a large variety of domestic and exotic hardwoods, leather colors, lining options, and hardware selections allowing us to create an artisan piece that matches your desires and aesthetic.  
As always, we're here to make your experience truly amazing. Let us know if you have any questions and how we can help! 
♥ Free Shipping within the US 

■ DETAILS : --------- 
(1) Padded Wood Collar 
(1) Lock & (2) Keys matching hardware  
(1) Hand carved locking pin 
Thickess of Wood: ~ 1.75" - 1.875"   
Thickness of Collar lining: ~1.5"  
Width: 12" 
Depth: 7" 
(sizes may vary slightly based on neck size, such that the through holes are accessible and the proportions are correct for the best possible look) 
▸ CUSTOM FIT Only: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
Since this item is entirely hand carved, there are no built in adjustments for the sizing of the wood stocks. Supply us with the neck measurement and we'll excitedly make it for you with the perfect fit and the best absolute look.  
• Oak (natural) 
• Oak (carrington) 
• Oak (kona) 
• Padauk 
• Mahogany 
• Walnut 
• Purpleheart 
• Katalox 
• Bubinga 
• Wenge 
• Bocote 
• Zebrawood 
for more information on our many wood options please check out this information page or send us a message:  
The lining color is the most visible color in this piece when not in use, and is the garment leather that will go directly against the neck.  
• Natural/Light
• Black
• Dark
• Red
This piece will be the layer of full grain leather that gives support and added durability. It lies between between the wood and the padded lining:  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 

• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel (not always available, please message first)  

♥ Receive exclusive offers and discounts by signing up to our newsletter/mailing list at: www.lvxsupply.com 
LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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            string(1) "A"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(12) "Lining Color"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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      string(5) "23235"
      string(13) "(804)525-6713"
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      string(2) "63"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
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      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
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    string(4) "8039"
    string(137) "Padded Leather & Wood BDSM Fiddle | Submissive Pillory Slave Dungeon Stocks Leather Bondage Torture Device | BDSM Furniture by LVX Supply"
    string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
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    string(4066) "Meticulously constructed custom for you! Draw awe in design and function, the LVX Fiddle is a dream to view and even more fun to use. Comfortable to wear for long sessions with fully padded collar and cuffs, permanently attached to the hand carved fiddle base create a wonderfully unique bondage experience.  

▸Versatile by Design: 
This traditional torture device is an amalgamation of collar and cuffs working superbly together for restraining the hands to the neck. Beautifully worn, functionally superb, and versatile to the most imaginative of desires. The solid wood fiddle is hand carved to match the curvature of a traditional fiddle bridge. The padded collar and cuffs are permanently attached. Easy in-and-out by way of the solid cast buckle, with a multitude of available d-rings for use with additional attachments,  allowing for an experience that is limited only by your own creativity.  
▸Coveted for Comfort: 
Handcrafted from premium full grain leathers. The thick hand-dyed outer gives immense support to the buttery-soft garment leather lining. Every piece eased into your skin through the use of comfortable layers of cotton based padding, making for a perfect choice for those long and demanding sessions.  
▸ 100% Masterfully Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
Handmade from start to finish, these pieces are icons of elegance, uniquely designed and made using only the best hand selected materials. We take pride in hand crafting each item, offering lifetime pieces that will age beautifully and last forever when treated with respect. Place your order today and we will get started immediately.  
▸ Customized to match your style:  
It is our pleasure to offer a large variety of domestic and exotic hardwoods, leather colors, lining options, and hardware selections allowing us to create an artisan piece that matches your desires and aesthetic.  
As always, we're here to make your experience truly amazing. Let us know if you have any questions and how we can help! 
♥ Free Shipping within the US 
■ DETAILS : --------- 
(1) Padded Collar 
(2 Padded Cuffs 
(1) Hand Carved Fiddle Base  
*** All pieces are permanently attached during the making process. Make sure to measure for sizing and include in the order for the best possible piece.  
Fiddle Thickness (Wood): ~ 1.75" 
Fiddle Width: 8.5" 
Total Length = 16" (+/- depending on neck size) 
Leather Width: ~1.5"  
Leather thickness = 9oz outer, 3oz lining, 2 layers of solid cotton lining for long life non-obtrusive padding.  
▸ CUSTOM FIT Only: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
Since this item is entirely hand carved, there are no built in adjustments for the sizing of the wood fiddle. Supply us with the neck and wrist measurement and we'll excitedly make it for you with the perfect fit and the best absolute look.  
• Oak (natural) 
• Oak (carrington) 
• Oak (kona) 
• Padauk 
• Mahogany 
• Walnut 
• Purpleheart 
• Katalox 
• Bubinga 
• Wenge 
• Bocote 
• Zebrawood 
for more information on our many wood options please check out this information page or send us a message:  
The lining color is the most visible color in this piece when not in use, and is the garment leather that will go directly against the neck.  
• Light/Natural
• Black
• Dark
• Red
This piece will be the layer of full grain leather that gives support and added durability. It lies between between the wood and the padded lining:  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Vegan Black 
• Vegan Brown 
• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel  
♥ Receive exclusive offers and discounts by signing up to our newsletter/mailing list at: www.lvxsupply.com 
LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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        string(13) "Leather Color"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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          array(13) {
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
            string(12) "Medium Brown"
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            string(1) "4"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
            string(6) "Purple"
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            string(1) "6"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "7"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
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            string(2) "10"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
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            string(3) "158"
            string(1) "0"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
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      string(17) "3430 Ellsworth RD"
      string(8) "Richmond"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "VA"
      string(5) "23235"
      string(13) "(804)525-6713"
      string(0) ""
      string(18) "lvxsupply.etsy.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(188) "def5020037b3275b380dd1eaa27e432bd54a17f216270f00ccdfd2035ef2491afa7a60d83a6e8f1f0fa1c32b123e02b133755d58f8ebcd5844b0a2a20a09851321ac8cf1f8b388e910f3c033caef686c1f9807518eec345b25bb8bccdad9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(2) "63"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "Virginia"
    array(0) {
  array(95) {
    string(4) "7709"
    string(40) "Padded Leather Choking Collar with Leash"
    string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "21"
    string(12) "Choke-Collar"
    string(1) "A"
    string(2) "63"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(4) "1000"
    string(5) "1.125"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(2385) "Our Unique Choke Collars are designed for Choke/Breath Play by way of a constricting slip ring on the back of the collar. This provides a more solid and safe cut-off of both air and blood flow. With a clean and classic look, sizing is made easy with our quick on/off buckle system. All of the choker collars come with our premium 12" single layer leash.

REMEMBER! As with any choke/breath play, the use assumes ALL risk and responsibility involved. Misuse can result in death.

• 100% Handmade from start to finish (by us) using premium full grain leather and solid cast hardware.

• Double Riveted for maximum response on the slip ring for quick pull and release.

• Hand sewn and riveted, our collars are wonderfully comfortable and strong. These are lifetime pieces that age beautifully with you when treated with respect.

• Each is made to order and custom built just for you! If you have any questions at all, send us a message and we'll be delighted to assist you.

♥ Free Shipping in the US ♥

♦ Add your neck measurement for the perfect custom fit!



• Full Grain Leather Throughout (*vegan options available)

• Soft, Supple, and Stitched Padded Leather Lining

• 2" Wide collar with your choice of dye and hardware.

• 1" Slip Ring for Choking/Breath Play

• Split design with 1" buckle for quick in and out.

• (1) 12" Single Layer Leash with premium cast hardware.


Measure the circumference around your neck.

• Custom (send us the measurement and we'll get it made to fit at the center hole at no added cost)
• XS = 11.5" - 13.5"
• S = 14"-16"
• M = 16.5"-18.5"
• L = 19"-21"
• XL = 21.5"-23.5"

• Natural
• Black
• Purple
• Lt Brown
• Med Brown
• Mahogany
• Red
• Oxblood/Pink

♥ 100% VEGAN Options available:
• Vegan Black
• Vegan Brown

↑ 100% Biothane. Thick bodied and rugged for rough play, easy to clean and 100% vegan for the same price.


• Black (standard for non-browns)
• Dark/Matching (standard for all browns, including mahogany)
• Light


• Brass
• Nickel (polished)
• Nickel (matte)

If you have any questions about your order or any of our products, at any time, we'd love to hear from you!

Premium Handmade BDSM, Bondage, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(0) ""
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      string(5) "23235"
      string(13) "(804)525-6713"
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      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(2) "63"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "Virginia"
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    string(4) "7963"
    string(137) "Low Profile BDSM Collar | Suede Lined Leather Bondage Collar for DDLG Submissive Femdom Slave Pet Play Fetish Wear BDsM-Gear | LVX Supply"
    string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(2161) "Blur the Lines between Fashion and Bondage with our Thin Profile BDSM Collar.  
Worn with the buckle in the back, it provides a sleek accent piece for a high fashion look, adding edge and elegance to your style. All the while, the solid veg tan outer is ready for action with quick response through the solid cast D-rings for a spontaneous low profile play session.   
▸ 100% Elegantly Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
The sturdy, hand-dyed full grain veg tan leather gives immense support, easing into your skin through soft and supple suede, and responsive through solid cast hardware.  
These icons of elegance are uniquely designed and handmade (by us!) using the best materials providing you with firm restraint for a lifetime of use. With wear, the leather will richen and mold even further to your personal shape, making for a truly custom fit, while never losing function or stability.  
▸ 100% Custom - Made to Order - Just for You!  
We love making sure that you get exactly the perfect look and fit. Place a neck measurement in the notes, personalization box, or send us a message, and we'll custom make your piece for the perfect fit that also looks amazing.  
(1) 1" wide suede lined leather collar 
(2) 5/8" D-ring(s) 
Pivoting D-ring(s) for maximum style and responsive action.  
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small= 14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
▸ CUSTOM FIT: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
As with all of our leather pieces, we love making sure that you get exactly the perfect fit. Send us neck measurements in the order notes, or a message, and we'll make sure that your set fits and looks amazing!  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 


If you have any questions about your order or any of our products, at any time, we'd love to hear from you! 

LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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    string(124) "DDLG Collar Padded Leather CGL BDsM Collar for Bondage Submissive Femdom Slave Pet Pony Play | Age Play Collar by LVX Supply"
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    string(2235) "We know that getting collared is an excitingly special time for everyone involved. Whether it's your first time or a daily routine, this experience is a full body heartbeat, and your collar should last for all of it.  

▸ Support & Comfort 
Using premium veg tan leather gives immense support that eases into your Little's skin through the use of two layers of lush comfortable padding, backed with buttery soft garment leather lining, all held permanently together with thick waxed stitching. Our Classic DDLG Play Collar will serve along side you, and your Little, for a lifetime when treated with respect. 
▸ Functional for all Levels of Play 
Not only beautiful and comfortable, our leather goods are designed and made to function first and will withstand even the most demanding play. 
▸ 100% Handmade (by us!) from start to finish:  
From first cut, hand dying, all the way to the final polish, we take the utmost pride in our work. Using modern and traditional techniques along with the highest quality materials and hardware we can find, you're a part of creating a truly one-of-a-kind piece of art.  

Select from ready-to-wear sizing options that are great for gifts:  
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small= 14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
As with all of our leather pieces, we love making sure that you get exactly the perfect fit. Send us neck measurements in the order notes, or a message, and we'll make sure that your collar fits and looks amazing!  
(1) DDLG Collar - Padded/Lined 
• full grain veg tan leather 
• hand dyed in your choice of color.  
• premium garment leather lining 
• contrasting light padded lining 
• (2) solid cast D-ring(s) in your choice of material 
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) (shown) 
• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 
Handmade DDLG Bondage Restraints, Paddles, Leather, and more from Richmond, Virginia. Local pick up available, just message for details! Thanks for looking!"
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    string(1442) "Leather choker Rio is a statement piece that exudes confidence and sensuality. This choker is handcrafted from premium Italian leather that underwent a natural tanning process called vegetable tanning. The inner part of the collar is lined with soft suede making you feel cozy and comfortable. In the center of the collar we affixed a sleek gold D-ring for a touch of style and elegance. 

Choker "Rio" 
Full grain Italian Leather
Sizes: XS/S: 11" - 13"
M/L: 13" - 15"
XL: 15"- 17"
XXL: 17" - 19"
The strap has multiple adjustment holes for the most ideal fit. 
When ordering please leave a note with the size that you need for the most comfortable fit

Wear this collar on its own as a discreet day collar or pair it with other Lulexy accessories such as a chain leash, face mask, or one of our harnesses to create an alluring erotic look.
Great for festival and rave outfits!

Care instructions:
- Leather should be conditioned occasionally and after cleaning. Use a conditioner that is specific to leather.
- Hand Cleaning Only.

ENGRAVING: If you'd like your product personalized with custom ENGRAVING, add this listing to your order:

Collar ships FREE in the USA via USPS first class mail (3-5 business days)
The package will arrive at your door in DISCREET package.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Follow us:
IG: @lulexy_leather 
TikTok: @lulexy.brand"
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    string(2534) "This Leather Bondage Collar is Hand-crafted and made to order. 

This leather bondage collar is 1-1/2" wide and is fitted with a large Bondage Ring in front using a beautiful Footman's Loop attachment. the O-ring is 1-1/4" internal diameter and is cast moulded so has no seam. This is a very strong heavy duty bdsm slave collar as well as an elegant collar which can withstand intense play sessions.  I have some gorgeous stallion chain leashes also available. 
This lockable BDSM collar come with your choice of buckles. The buckles are small 3/4" size buckles that are attached SEPARATELY in the back. This means there is no Full-Strap going around the collar as in my Strap & Cuff designed collars. You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. If you do not choose your padlock I will choose for you. Please write down on Personalisation Box/Notes area 
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All bdsm collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the bondage collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--15.5" (33-39,5cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of leathers to have the collars made in. The main photo is showing the Cognac w/Buttercream Inlay. The Cognac is the colour of the Laredo Bullhide used in this line. It has a medium temper to the top grain which gives a slight waxy/firm feel to it. The grain is pronounced to give it a look of bison leather. This Laredo Bullhide is bonded to a super soft leather called Cheyenne which is a buttercream almost buckskin coloring. Feel free to read FULL details about my leather at 
All fittings are nickel plated steel. 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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Full grain Italian Leather
Sizes: XS/S: 11" - 13"
M/L: 13" - 15"
XL: 15"- 17"
XXL: 17" - 19"
The strap has multiple adjustment holes for the most ideal fit. 
When ordering please leave a note with the size that you need for the most comfortable fit

This leather choker is handcrafted from full grain, vegetable tanned leather and lined with soft suede for comfortable fit around your neck. In the center of the collar we affixed a sleek O-ring O-ring that serves as a focal point and adds edginess to your look.
The strap has multiple adjustment holes for the most ideal fit. 

Wear this collar on its own as a discreet day collar or pair it with other Lulexy accessories such as a chain leash, face mask, or one of our harnesses to create an alluring erotic look. 
Great for festival and rave outfits!

Care instructions:
- Leather should be conditioned occasionally and after cleaning. Use a conditioner that is specific to leather.
- Hand Cleaning Only.

Collar ships FREE in the USA via USPS first class mail (3-5 business days)
The package will arrive at your door in DISCREET package.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Follow us:
IG: @lulexy_leather 
TikTok: @lulexy.brand"
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    string(1236) "This adorable collar is sturdy, tug proof, and easy to wear! Can be used for everyday fashion, LARPING, cosplay, or BDSM play. The collar attaches in the back with a ribbon laced through sturdy D-rings, but can be replaced with any tie or lock of your choosing.

1.75" wide
Each collar is one size fits all, but the collar length can be customized for how long the collar itself will be. Even the smallest option collars can fit any sized neck since the back is open and fastened with a ribbon! (It just may not reach around all the way.)
If you need a collar that is smaller than 12", please let us know in the 'Product Notes'. There is no additional fee.

Lace, Satin Ribbon, and Silver Hardware

Every collar is made to order, so please allow 1-2 weeks of production time! (Production time may vary depending on order volume).

Handmade with lots of love by Danelle Dark Arts
View more of her art at TheKinkyPeach.com/collections/danelle-dark-arts
A percentage of all sales goes to the artist to help them continue creating art! Thank you for shopping small and supporting independent sex positive artists!

🍑Instagram @The.KinkyPeach
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      string(2) "72"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
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    string(72) "BDSM Leash "Candice", Chain Bondage Lead 27", Purple Leather Chain Leash"
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    string(1064) "BDSM chain leash from “Candice” collection
When ordering please add a note with your choice of color for the leather handle and hardware (silver or gold)

Top grain, chrome tanned Italian leather and high quality nickel-plated chain come together to create this beautiful leash that will be a great addition to any BDSM collection.

The chain measures 21 inches. Full length with the leather loop is 27". The leash is strong enough to withstand even rough play.
Match this leash with a variety of other Lulexy accessories such as a collar, handcuffs, thigh cuffs, ankle cuffs, or a blindfold to satisfy all your sensual desires.

- “Candice” chain leash

 - Length: 27"

Need a custom size? No worries, send us a message, and we'll be happy to help you!

Care Instructions:
- Leather should be conditioned occasionally and after cleaning. Use a conditioner that is specific to leather.
- Hand Cleaning Only.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Follow us on Instagram!
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    string(116) "Bison Leather BDSM Collar in Solid Brass, bondage collar w/3 Dee Rings in Brown & Cream Leather for slave/sub 1-1/4""
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    string(1860) "This Leather Bondage Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This bison leather BDSM Bondage Collar is 1-1/4" wide and has a row of 3 solid brass small dee rings across the front. They are cast moulded and solid brass. They are 3/4" wide.  I have them placed on the collar using a long leather strap with a double row of rivets.  All hardware is solid brass. I also have leashes available in my Bondage Accessories Menu. 

You have the choice to have eyelets in the holes or not. I can either just punch the holes and have no eyelets, or you may have brass eyelets to finish it off. 
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--16" (33-40cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of leathers to have the collars made in. The main photo shows the Tucson Bison w/Cream Bullhide. The Tucson Bison Leather has a very pronounced grain with a waxy top coat, this also holds true for the Laredo Cognac line. The soft hide the Tucson Leather is bonded to is a luxurious cream coloured bullhide. These bullhides are supersoft and form fitting. Please read my Leather Information Page on my website for a FULL explanation of all of the leather choices, as some are thick and soft, and others are thick and firm tempered. 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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            array(13) {
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            string(3) "100"
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                  string(90) "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.spicerack.market/detailed/89/il_fullxfull.2500329448_jsc4.jpg"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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      string(10) "5182521028"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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      string(8) "New York"
    array(0) {
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    string(4) "7724"
    string(125) "Molded Leather Posture Collar | Luxury Leather Choker for Men or Women | High Fashion Functional Posture Collar by LVX Supply"
    string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
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    string(3306) "Never lose poise, or the attention of a crowd, in our Molded Leather Posture Collar.   

▸ Versatile Luxury 
Whether you wear it for function, fantasy, or as a sleek and bold fashion statement, the undeniable seductive energy of our Molded Posture Collar is guaranteed to invigorate the senses and demand notice.  An indulgent must-have addition to your collection, this piece dramatically raises the bar for your bondage experience in luxury and sensation. 
▸ 100% Elegantly Hand Crafted in the USA:  
Handmade from start to finish, these icons of elegance are uniquely designed and made using premium full grain leather and solid cast hardware.  Provide yourself with firm restraint for a lifetime of use. With wear, the leather will richen and mold even further to your personal shape, making for a truly custom fit, while never losing function or stability.  
▸ Customized to match your style:  
It is our pleasure to offer two closure options: a trio of buckles or a corset style lacing.  Both styles equally maintain support and structure during wear; never sacrificing function for beauty while embracing your aesthetic. Every Molded Posture Collar is fully lined with buttery soft supple suede that enhances comfort while complementing your choice of hand dyed leather.  
We take pride in hand crafting each item, offering lifetime pieces that will age beautifully and last forever when treated with respect. Place your order today and we will get started immediately. As always, we're here to make your experience truly amazing. Let us know if you have any questions and how we can help! 
• (1) 5" wide molded leather collar: 
Features molded and hardened full grain exterior for superior structure and soft suede interior lining for maximum comfort.  
• (1) 1” O-ring attachment: 
Features pivoting O-ring for look and optional restraint or accessorizing.  
Your choice of either closure style:  
• (3) 5/8” buckles  
• Full corset style eyelet lacing 
*cuffs/clips/harness are not included in this listing, but are shown to display connection. They are a great addition, however. See the links above for adding clips and cuffs.  
► Measure the circumference around your neck. 
• Custom (recommended) 
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small =   14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
Our BDSM posture collars are designed to provide a snug fit. Please keep this in mind during measuring, as they are true to the sizes listed above. Custom sizes are very welcomed, please add your measurement to the order notes for a perfect fit every time.)  
* Neck Length can also be provided in the order notes for those with longer or shorter necks.  
NOTE! If you measure a neck longer than 4.5", please triple check your measurement to the image above, and send us a message.  
• Buckle = (3) 5/8” wide buckles 
• Laced = eyelet closures with cording 
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Brass  
• Nickel (polished) 
• Nickel (matte) 

LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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    string(2367) "Electrify your senses with this bondage classic. The Suede Lined Leather BDSM Collar amplifies the look, feel, smell, and even sound of every movement, immediately transforms the mind, melts away the world, and gets the blood pumping.  
Whether it's your first time or a daily routine, this classic bondage collar is a full body heartbeat for everyone involved. 
▸ 100% Elegantly Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
The sturdy, hand-dyed full grain veg tan leather gives immense support, easing into your skin through soft and supple suede, and responsive through solid cast hardware.  
These icons of elegance are uniquely designed and handmade (by us!) using the best materials providing you with firm restraint for a lifetime of use. With wear, the leather will richen and mold even further to your personal shape, making for a truly custom fit, while never losing function or stability.  
▸ 100% Custom - Made to Order - Just for You!  
We love making sure that you get exactly the perfect look and fit. Place a neck measurement in the notes, personalization box, or send us a message, and we'll custom make your piece for the perfect fit that also looks amazing.  
♥ Free Priority Shipping within the US 
(1) 1.5" wide suede lined leather collar 
(2) 5/8" D-ring(s) 
Pivoting D-ring(s) for maximum style and responsive action.  
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small= 14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
▸ CUSTOM FIT: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
As with all of our leather pieces, we love making sure that you get exactly the perfect fit. Send us neck measurements in the order notes, or a message, and we'll make sure that your set fits and looks amazing!  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 
If you have any questions about your order or any of our products, at any time, we'd love to hear from you! 
♥ Receive exclusive offers and discounts by signing up to our newsletter/mailing list at:  
LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
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    string(1557) "Let your imagination lead the way, as you command your partner with a snap and a tug. Easily used on any attachment point on any restraint.  

This listing is for the leash only.  
▸ Premium Materials, Always 
In all of our pieces, we use the highest quality of full grain leather, hand dyed to your selected color, and completed with superior solid cast hardware. 
▸ 100% HANDMADE (by us!) from start to finish:  
From first cut, hand working, all the way to the final polish, we take the utmost pride in our work. Using modern and traditional techniques along with the highest quality materials and hardware we can find, you're a part of creating a truly one-of-a-kind piece of art.  
• Width: 5/8" 
• 12"  
• 18"  
• 24" 
• 36" 
♦ Single/One Layer (1/8" thick) 
-Simple riveted leash made from a single length of premium full grain leather, and slicked back leather hand loop. 
-Heavy duty solid cast hardware. 
♦ Dual Layered + stitched (1/4" thick) 
-Two layers of premium full grain leather, stitched together with a luxuriously suede lined hand loop.  
-Heavy duty solid cast hardware. 
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 
Handmade Mature BDSM Bondage Restraints, Paddles, Leather, and more from Richmond, Virginia. Local pick up available, message for details! Thanks for looking!"
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    string(5) "38138"
    string(149) "Black Elegant Latigo Leather slave Collar for posture training for slave sub | Lockable 2" Bondage Collar made to Order w/Black Hardware Black O Ring"
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    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(24) "Latigo Ninja 1.5" O-Ring"
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    string(24) "Latigo Ninja 1.5" O-Ring"
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    string(2324) "This elegant Leather slave Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Latigo Leather servitude Collar is 2" wide and completely nickel free. This collar has a simple refined elegance, perfect for fetish events, posture training, munches and formal-wear for subs. A simple Ring Holder (Coachman's Loop) holds the 1-1/2" internal diameter O-ring in front. In the back there is a separately attached small buckle of your choice with black leather keeper and dee ring.

You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles.  You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
(see photo) 
This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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Measures 20 inches long, reduced to 15 inches when the choke chain is pulled all the way, and is 1.25  inch wide"
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    string(403) "Are you looking for a pretty, leather collar?  You've found it.  Attached to the midpoint of this collar is a beautiful floral concho. This collar is made with genuine cow hide and is extremely soft and supple in the inner layer. 
Width:  1.5 inch 
Length:  21.75 inches 
Fits: 14 inches to 19.5 inches. Buckle holes are set at 1/2 inch intervals. 
This collar can not be altered."
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    string(5) "14316"
    string(130) "All Black Latigo Leather BDSM Collar with 1-1/4" Bondage Ring for slave sub | Lockable Buckle option | Nickel Free & Made to Order"
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    string(12) "Latigo Ninja"
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    string(2365) "This Leather BDSM Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Leather Bondage Collar is 1" wide and completely nickel free. It has a long leather strap across the front with 6 rivets holding on a double dee ring with a 1-1/4" Black Bondage Ring through them. The black dee rings are 5/8" wide and very strong. All of the hardware on this Ninja sleek Bondage Collar is black poly-coated steel and nickel free. It is very strong and can withstand intense play sessions.  

You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. You may tell me which padlock you would like on your invoice or in the Notes area. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
This slave collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.  The Bondage Collar come with all Black Nickel-Free poly-coated steel hardware for those of you who are allergic to nickel. Not only being nickel free it also looks super ninja sleek!!  

Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Notes Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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      string(2) "NY"
      string(5) "12816"
      string(10) "5182521028"
      string(0) ""
      string(36) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonBondage"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200a6a645c6d8aeb090f2a950592642287275f5167f27d9500cd0ec889e2befb137824332773b8c8d2813a1aa59b595aaf9b2d793e9a0a11833dcb095b4debdc3c5e29ee730335d9b6e5aa3bac1b92ee2cb986ab749d5e3dc788625"
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      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "141"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "New York"
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      string(3) "676"
      string(28) "669ff0bf17e15_1721757885.mp4"
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    string(11) "Von Bondage"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(6) "Latigo"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "3","to": "5" }"
    string(6) "Latigo"
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    string(4) "0.00"
    string(3) "100"
    string(5) "0.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(2364) "This Leather Bondage Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 
This leather BDSM Bondage Collar for slaves is an elegant and simply designed collar.  A bondage ring is attached to the front with a strong leather strap. It had a 3/4" solid brass dee ring which has a removable screw pin so that the 1" internal diameter O-ring can be placed through.  Its quite a unique looking dee ring! This leather bondage collar is 3/4" wide.  
You have a choice to have these made using a Lockable Buckle with or without a brass padlock. I use brass eyelets in the holes for Standard non-locking buckles, and use a Oval Punch to make the special shaped hole needed for the locking tongue of the lockable buckles, so there will be no eyelets in the Lockable Buckle version.  
You have the choice to have eyelets in the holes or not which you can let me know about in the Personalisation (Notes) area. This option is only available for the Standard Buckle option. 
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--15.5" (33-39,5cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of leathers to have the collars made in. Black Latigo is shown in the main photo and is a wonderful thick leather with a smooth and supple grain to it. I bevel and burnish all of the edges so that the collars are rounded and very comfortable so not to chaffe the skin.  Latigo and Bridle Leather are used for riding tack and is extremely strong and durable. The hides range from 9--11oz thick!  The other leathers are Bison and Bullhide leathers which are very soft and double-layered. Please read my Leather Information Page on my website for a FULL explanation of all of the leather choices, as some are thick and soft, and others are thick and firm tempered. 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
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            string(5) "14850"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(13) "Which Buckle?"
        string(30) "Brass Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(3) {
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            string(5) "0.000"
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    array(35) {
      string(11) "Von Bondage"
      string(13) "13 S Union St"
      string(9) "Cambridge"
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      string(2) "NY"
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      string(10) "5182521028"
      string(0) ""
      string(36) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonBondage"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
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      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "141"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
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      string(4) "2023"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "New York"
    array(0) {
  array(95) {
    string(5) "35218"
    string(139) "Daddy's Good Boy Collar, soft collar, DDlb gift, Mdlb, age play, role play, royal blue choker, male slave, male sub gift, BDSM, abdl collar"
    string(15) "TheTwistedScrew"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "3","to": "5" }"
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    string(3) "241"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(2) "25"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(10) "1722899646"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
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    string(2052) "Our ABDL soft wrap ollars are the perfect collar for your Baby Boy, Little, or Pet. Our collars are uber versatile & super comfy. Great for home or scene play. Choose from lots of colors. Choose your own tag wording. Soft collars are made out of leftover t-shirt fabric from the fashion industry. The material is re-purposed into fabric yarn. We have lots of t-shirt fabric colors and 2 100% cotton rope colors (see chart/drop down menu). Fabric yarn is made from leftovers in the fashion industry, so specific ones may not last long! If you see one you like, go for it. As those colors run out, they will be replaced with others.  
FABRIC COLOR: 11-EXILED PREPPY but you can choose your own from the chart 
SIZING: This is a WRAP collar with a tie closure measuring 60 inches (5 feet). 
CLASP: no clasp, simply tie off around neck or wrist 
TAG: 1" pewter border square, "DADDY'S GOOD BOY" 
FONT: Basic Block Upper 
SPACERS: silver plated bail that slides onto fabric and holds the tag 
You can change the wording on the main tag. Please ask us first if you have questions to make sure it will fit.

This piece is created by hand using a hammer and metal letter and symbol stamps. Metal stamping is a quirky process - letters and symbols will never be completely straight or centered, darkening may be a bit uneven due to varying stamp depth, and stray marks may occur. These are not defects in your piece; they are what makes it unique and one of a kind. :) 
◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ 
PLEASE NOTE: We use up-close macro photography to capture detail for all of our listings. As a result, pieces may appear larger than they actually are. Please read the actual dimensions of each piece in the item description and view all photos for scale. Thank you. 
◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘ ○ ◘"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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      string(8) "Matthews"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "NC"
      string(5) "28105"
      string(10) "9198152383"
      string(0) ""
      string(41) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheTwistedScrew"
      string(25) "thetwistedscrew@gmail.com"
      string(25) "thetwistedscrew@gmail.com"
      string(25) "thetwistedscrew@gmail.com"
      string(25) "thetwistedscrew@gmail.com"
      string(25) "thetwistedscrew@gmail.com"
      string(172) "def5020005e39a9d27b9485ddc48baa15d2a33f9f22d519aeae993226741597bace06c22cb82edfcbd1dd0ab523c42f5b0b12f132331fa0b696e9a9ec711f612d9aa651819c449d22cd1a30e105a54e256c857920931"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "241"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(14) "North Carolina"
    array(0) {
  array(106) {
    string(5) "14329"
    string(110) "Lockable Leather Bondage Collar w/ 3 D&O Rings across front | BDSM slave choker for submissive | Made to Order"
    string(11) "Von Bondage"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(11) "Latigo 1.25"
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(11) "Latigo 1.25"
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    string(3) "141"
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    string(3) "100"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
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    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(2788) "This Leather Bondage Collar is Hand-crafted and made to order. 

This leather bondage collar is 1-1/4" wide. It has 3 small bondage rings in front and on the sides which are held on with a strong leather strap using 8 rivets. The small dee rings are classic shaped and 3/4" wide. They have a 1-1/4" internal diameter O-rings through them. The dee ring are 3.4mm thick. This is a very strong heavy duty bdsm slave collar which can withstand intense play sessions.  I have some gorgeous stallion chain leashes also available. 
This lockable BDSM collar come with your choice of buckle or Padlock Stud for the locking option. There is no 1-1/4" lockable roller buckles so I use Padlock Studs for this option. With Padlock studs the eyelets on the collar go over the stem and the small padlock that I provide goes through the hole on the stem and locks on. You can also wear this bdsm collar without having a padlock as the keeper in the back will hold down the leather strap with eyelets over the padlock stud. The only padlocks that I have that fit through the padlock stud are the small and very sturdy Guard security locks and the small heart padlocks. The small security locks are solid brass and have a 3-pin tumbler for the locking mechanism so its a bit better quality than my other locks (except Master) There comes a set of keys as well.  
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All bdsm collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the bondage collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--15.5" (33-39,5cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of leathers to have the collars made in. Black Latigo is shown in the main photo and is a wonderful thick leather with a smooth and supple grain to it. I bevel and brandish all of the edges so that the collars are rounded and very comfortable so not to chaffe the skin.  Latigo Leather is used for riding tack and is extremely strong and durable. The hides range from 9--11oz thick!  Please read my Leather Information Page on my website for a FULL explanation of all of the leather choices, as some are thick and soft, and others are thick and firm tempered. 
All fittings are nickel plated steel. 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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            array(0) {
          array(13) {
            string(62) "Custom Size (please enter your EXACT neck size in Notes below)"
            string(5) "14850"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(31) "Locking Padlock Stud or Buckle?"
        string(24) "Padlock Stud/Buckle Type"
        string(0) ""
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
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    string(5) "38013"
    string(143) "All Black Latigo Leather BDSM Collar w/ 3 Black D-Rings for slave/sub |1.25" Lockable Bondage Collar made to Order w/Black Fittings/Nickel Free"
    string(11) "Von Bondage"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(12) "Latigo Ninja"
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(12) "Latigo Ninja"
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    string(2264) "This Lockable Leather BDSM Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Latigo Leather Locking BDSM Collar is 1-1/4" wide and completely nickel free. It has a 3/4" leather strap wrapping fully around to the back with your choice of buckle. There are 3 black dee rings, 1 in front and 2 on either side which are perfect as attachment points. They are very strong and 3/4" wide, fitting underneath the strap.

You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles.  You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
(see photo) 
This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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            string(62) "Custom Size (please enter your EXACT neck size in Notes below)"
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            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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        string(27) "NP Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(5) "0.000"
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    string(5) "38074"
    string(140) "Heavy Black Latigo Leather BDSM Collar w/ Strong Large Black D Ring for bondage slave/sub | Made to Order | Nickel-Free Black Metal Hardware"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "Y"
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    string(1827) "This 10oz Black Latigo Leather BDSM Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Latigo Leather submissive Collar is 2" wide and completely nickel free. It has a welded, 6.2mm thick Black Dee Ring in front which is 1-1/4" wide.  The dee ring is double riveted under the 1-1/4" leather strap which wraps fully around to the back. There is a buckle with elegant black metal keeper and black grommets. The dee ring is extremely strong and durable. I use large double sided black rivets to ensure strength.

This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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    array(1) {
    array(1) {
      array(22) {
        string(5) "38074"
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        string(3) "141"
        string(1) "S"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "M"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "0"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
        array(2) {
          array(13) {
            string(19) "Standard (13"--16")"
            string(5) "14849"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
            string(62) "Custom Size (please enter your EXACT neck size in Notes below)"
            string(5) "14850"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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      string(2) "NY"
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      string(10) "5182521028"
      string(0) ""
      string(36) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonBondage"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200a6a645c6d8aeb090f2a950592642287275f5167f27d9500cd0ec889e2befb137824332773b8c8d2813a1aa59b595aaf9b2d793e9a0a11833dcb095b4debdc3c5e29ee730335d9b6e5aa3bac1b92ee2cb986ab749d5e3dc788625"
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      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "141"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "New York"
    array(0) {
  array(106) {
    string(5) "14326"
    string(126) "Simple Leather BDSM slave Choker with Plated Small Bondage Ring | 5/8" Day Collar for little w/Lockable Option | Made to Order"
    string(11) "Von Bondage"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "Latigo 5/8"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "3","to": "5" }"
    string(10) "Latigo 5/8"
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "141"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(3) "100"
    string(5) "0.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "1721338663"
    string(10) "1724616329"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "F"
    string(0) ""
    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(1) "Y"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "A"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(2521) "This Leather BDSM slave Collar is Hand-crafted and made to order. 

This leather bdsm ring collar is 5/8" wide and is fitted with a small plate and a small bondage ring. The plate and dee ring are 1/2" wide and the O-ring is 3/4" internal diameter. A simple and elegant collar for any slave/sub.  
This leather collar comes with your choice of buckles. You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. You may tell me which padlock you would like on your invoice or in the Notes Box. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
All fittings are nickel plated steel. 
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--15.5" (33-39,5cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of leathers to have the collars made in. Black Latigo is shown in the main photo and is a wonderful thick leather with a smooth and supple grain to it. I bevel and burnish all of the edges so that the collars are rounded and very comfortable so not to chaffe the skin.  Latigo Leather is used for riding tack and is extremely strong and durable. The hides range from 9--11oz thick!  Please read my Leather Information Page on my website for a FULL explanation of all of the leather choices, as some are thick and soft, and others are thick and firm tempered. 
(F) means Firm Leather in the drop down menu.  
All leathers not labelled with (F) are thick DOUBLE layered soft form fitting hides that are 2-toned.  
All fittings are nickel plated steel. 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(27) "NP Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(3) {
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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    string(1418) "Talena - 8mm collar
Elevate Your Everyday Elegance

Discover the perfect accessory for every occasion with the Talena 8mm. Crafted from premium stainless steel, this anatomically designed piece offers both style and comfort, making it an essential addition to your jewelry collection.
Key Features:

    Sleek Design: The Talena features a seamless blend of form and function. Its elegant curve fits naturally around your neck, providing a sophisticated look that complements any outfit.
    Superior Craftsmanship: Made from high-quality stainless steel, this collar is durable and resistant to tarnish, ensuring it retains its shine and elegance over time.
    Custom Fit: Available in 1cm increments, it offers a personalized fit for maximum comfort. Whether you prefer a snug or relaxed fit, we have the perfect size for you.
    Secure Closure: The innovative design includes a removable back segment held by the spring force of the main piece, providing a secure fit that requires a bit of effort to open and close. For added security, an optional lock with discreet screws is available.
    Versatile Style Options: Choose from three stunning finishes—micro-grooved, pearl, or high gloss. 

    Material Thickness: 8mm
    Weight: Approximately 160g for size 38
    Closure Options: With or without screw closure

Order your Talena 8mm Neck Ring today and elevate your elegance to new heights."
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    string(2293) "This10oz Black Latigo Leather Bondage Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Leather slave Collar is 2" wide and completely nickel free. It has a welded, 5.2mm thick Black Dee Ring in front which is 1" wide.  The dee ring is double riveted under the 1" leather strap which wraps fully around to the back. There is your choice of either a standard or lockable buckle with or without a padlock. The dee ring is extremely strong and durable. I use large double sided black rivets to ensure strength.

If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area if you want, please see padlock photo for options. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 

This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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            string(3) "471"
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            string(1) "A"
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        string(1) "3"
        string(13) "Which Buckle?"
        string(27) "NP Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(1) "1"
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            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "A"
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      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
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      string(3) "141"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
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    string(5) "15628"
    string(19) "Leather Collar Pink"
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    string(246) "Handmade leather collar made from high-quality Italian vegetable-tanned leather. Adjustable with a buckle.

S/M 31cm - 35cm
L/XL 36cm - 40cm

We love to do customized work, if you’re looking for a specific design, size, color, etc. let us know!"
    array(2) {
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    string(27) "leather-collar-pink-1b42bdd"
    string(5) "4/347"
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      string(23) "info@studio-moonbow.com"
      string(23) "info@studio-moonbow.com"
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      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
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    string(5) "14300"
    string(142) "All Black Latigo Leather BDSM Collar w/ Black Dee Ring for slave/sub | 3/4" Lockable Bondage Collar made to Order w/Black Fittings/Nickel Free"
    string(11) "Von Bondage"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(12) "Latigo Ninja"
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(2215) "This Lockable Leather Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Latigo Leather Locking BDSM Collar is 3/4" wide and completely nickel free. It has a leather strap across the front with 4 rivets holding on a black dee ring that is just under 3/4" wide. In the back there is a black leather keeper or a black dee ring depending on which buckle you choose. 

You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles.  You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
(see photo) 
This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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    string(1961) "1-1/2” (38mm) Wide Classic Bondage Collar, available in custom colors with locking posts. 
Our Classic Bondage Collar utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Classic Bondage Collar 
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
This set is available with locking posts, which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the set securely in-place. If locking posts are desired, please select the appropriate option from the size drop-down menu. 
Note: The silvered color metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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Our leather collars start at $80 (example pictured in black/blue with rivets)

With our wide range of colors, patterns and hardware, we can work with you, and your budget, to create a truly one of a kind piece.

Matched set and theme inspired projects are our specialty. We can match any of our masks, impacts collars and more!

More Info Coming Soon"
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    string(5) "38045"
    string(146) "Black Elegant Latigo Leather slave Collar w/1.25" O Ring for slave/sub | Lockable 1.5" Bondage Collar made to Order w/Black Hardware | Nickel-Free"
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    string(2316) "This Lockable Leather BDSM slave Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Black Latigo Leather servitude Collar is 1-1/2" wide and completely nickel free. This collar has a simple refined elegance, perfect for fetish events, munches and formal-wear for subs. A simple Ring Holder (Coachman's Loop) holds the 1-1/4" internal diameter O-ring in front. In the back there is a separately attached small buckle of your choice with black leather keeper and dee ring.

You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles.  You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
(see photo) 
This black leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 25 different leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Latigo line. This leather is a firm, well oiled hide that has plenty of suppleness once broken in. It is 10oz thick and bevelled on all of the edges so that they are rounded and do not chaffe the skin. The leather is firm and extremely strong, so will last for decades if taken care of.   
Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page at www.vonbondage.com/leather-information for more info about the various leathers used. 
(F) Firm leather like a thick Belt Leather, the rest are double layered leather hides that are soft and form fitting 
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--15.5" (33cm--38,5cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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    string(1895) "4” (102mm) Wide Posture Collar, available in custom colors and choice of buckle closure or locking snap closure. 
Our Posture Collar utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Posture Collar
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
The snap closure version of this collar includes a locking post which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the collar securely in-place. 
Note: The silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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    string(1278) "12” Bondage Leash, available with various color options. 
This leather leash is 3/4" wide and has a total length of 12". Our bondage leash utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The leash is made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch.  
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This entry comes with the following pieces: 
1x 3/4 x 12" Leash 
All straps come with black on one side and an accent color on the other. Please see our color chart for examples and available colors  
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee 
Note: The the silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies.  
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Model: Bound Charon 
Photographer: Fox"
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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    string(2128) "This Black Bullhide Leather BDSM Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Leather Bondage Collar is 2" wide and is lined in a beautiful Red Lambskin lining. The Bondage Collar has a 1" wide welded black dee ring in the front. The 1" strap going around the bondage collar is a full-strap meaning that the buckle and holes are all on one continuous strap going around. This nickel free bondage collar come with your choice of buckles. You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. You may tell me which padlock you would like on your invoice or in the Personalisation Box. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
The main photo is showing the Black Bullhide w/Red Lambskin Inlay. You have 3 Lambskin liners to choose from; Purple, Red, Baby Pink. There is a variety of exotic leathers to get this collar made in, including Bison, Leopard and Bullhides. The Bondage Collar come with all Black Nickel-Free poly-coated steel hardware for those of you who are allergic to nickel. Not only being nickel free it also looks super ninja sleek!!  Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page for more info about the various leathers used.  
Please leave the EXACT neck size down in the Personalisation Box for a custom fitting, if you do not leave a neck size, then the bondage collar will be made to Standard Size which fits necks of 13"--16" (33cm--40cm) 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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          string(90) "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.spicerack.market/detailed/91/il_fullxfull.4141056606_ikoz.jpg"
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        string(5) "14328"
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        string(1) "S"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
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        string(1) "0"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
        array(2) {
          array(13) {
            string(19) "Standard (13"--16")"
            string(5) "14849"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(13) {
            string(62) "Custom Size (please enter your EXACT neck size in Notes below)"
            string(5) "14850"
            string(3) "471"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
      array(22) {
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        string(1) "S"
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        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "M"
        string(1) "A"
        string(1) "3"
        string(13) "Which Buckle?"
        string(27) "NP Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(3) {
          array(13) {
            string(8) "Standard"
            string(5) "15400"
            string(3) "470"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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      string(2) "NY"
      string(5) "12816"
      string(10) "5182521028"
      string(0) ""
      string(36) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonBondage"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(188) "def50200a6a645c6d8aeb090f2a950592642287275f5167f27d9500cd0ec889e2befb137824332773b8c8d2813a1aa59b595aaf9b2d793e9a0a11833dcb095b4debdc3c5e29ee730335d9b6e5aa3bac1b92ee2cb986ab749d5e3dc788625"
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      string(1) "1"
      string(3) "141"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
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      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "New York"
    array(0) {
  array(95) {
    string(4) "7722"
    string(138) "Slim Quick-Release BDSM Collar | Padded Leather Bondage Collar, DDLG Femdom Slave Pet Fetish | BDsM-Gear for Women Submissive | LVX Supply"
    string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "21"
    string(14) "QR-Collar-Slim"
    string(1) "A"
    string(2) "63"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(4) "1000"
    string(5) "1.000"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(10) "1710858157"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(1) "R"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
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    string(2200) "Wonderfully padded full grain veg-tan for comfort and support in a slim-lined profile for an even more slick look. 

Quick and easy on-off for fast position changes with our subtle button closure that maintains the same strength and durability you expect from a traditional buckle. 
▸ 100% Elegantly Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
These icons of elegance are uniquely designed and handmade (by us!) using premium full grain leather (or vegan options), premium padding, and solid cast hardware. Provide yourself with firm restraint for a lifetime of use. With wear, the leather will richen and mold even further to your personal shape, making for a truly custom fit, while never losing function or stability.  
▸ 100% Custom - Made to Order - Just for You!  
We love making sure that you get exactly the perfect look and fit. Place a neck measurement in the notes, personalization box, or send us a message, and we'll custom make your piece for the perfect fit that also looks amazing.  
(1) 1.5" wide padded and lined leather collar: 
(3) 5/8" D-ring(s) 
Pivoting D-ring(s) for maximum style and function.  
(1) Quick-Release closure for fast position and secure position changes.  
• Custom = Add to notes 
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small= 14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
▸ CUSTOM FIT: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
As with all of our leather pieces, we love making sure that you get exactly the perfect fit. Send us neck measurements in the order notes, or a message, and we'll make sure that your set fits and looks amazing!  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 
• Vegan (Black) 
• Vegan (Brown) 

• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 
• Dark (default for browns) 
• Light
• Black
• Red

♥ Receive exclusive offers and discounts by signing up to our newsletter/mailing list at: www.lvxsupply.com 
LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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    string(2009) "1-1/2” (38mm) Wide Classic Bondage Collar with Side Rings, available in custom colors with locking posts. 
Our Classic Bondage Collar with Side Rings utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Classic Bondage Collar with Side Rings 
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
This set is available with locking posts, which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the set securely in-place. If locking posts are desired, please select the appropriate option from the size drop-down menu. 
Note: The silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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    string(139) "Soft BDSM Collar in Red Lambskin, Bondage Collar w/Black O-ring, nickel free black ring slave/sub collar w/Lockable Buckle, custom sized 1""
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    string(1996) "This soft Bullhide Leather BDSM Collar is Hand-Crafted and made to order. 

This Red Lambskin lined Bondage Collar is 1" wide and completely nickel free. It has a long leather strap across the front with 6 rivets holding on a double dee ring with a 1-1/4" Black Bondage Ring through them. The black dee rings are 5/8" wide and very strong. All of the hardware on this Ninja sleek Bondage Collar is black poly-coated steel and nickel free. It is very strong and can withstand intense play sessions.  
You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. You may tell me which padlock you would like in the Notes area if you want, please see padlock photo for options. If you do not choose I will choose for you. This is only for the Lockable w/Padlock choice. 
This bullhide leather BDSM bondage collar is made in the all black hardware line known as the Ninja Line.  I offer 9 different exotic leathers for this line. The main photo is showing the Black Bullhide w/Lambskin Inlay line. You have a choice of 3 colours for the lambskin inlay; Red, Baby Pink or Purple. The top leather is a luxuriously soft bullhide leather. There are also other bison and bullhide leathers to choose from. 

Feel free to check out the Leather Information Page for more info about the various leathers used. 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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        string(9) "Neck Size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(141) "Do NOT add breathing room, I will add this. Measure gently to nearest 1/4". I will put you in the middle of the holes and add breathing room."
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            string(1) "2"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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        string(13) "Which Buckle?"
        string(27) "NP Collars/Gags Buckle Type"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(3) {
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            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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      string(0) ""
      string(36) "https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonBondage"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
      string(22) "aly.seraphim@gmail.com"
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    string(1943) "2” (51mm) Tall Bondage Collar, available in custom colors with locking posts. 
Our Tall Bondage Collar utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Tall Bondage Collar 
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
This set is available with locking posts, which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the set securely in-place. If locking posts are desired, please select the appropriate option from the size drop-down menu. 
Note: The silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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    string(2393) "Whether it's your first time or a daily routine, the classic BDSM experience of collaring is a full body heartbeat for everyone involved. 

Your senses will electrify as the look and feel, smell, and even sound of your new padded leather collar immediately transforms the mind, melts away the world, and gets the blood pumping.  
• The thick, hand-dyed veg tan leather gives immense support. 
• Ultimate comfort while maintaining quick response with two layers of high density cotton padding. 
• Eased into the skin with buttery soft garment leather lining. Held permanently together with thick waxed leather stitching. 
• Custom made to last a lifetime. Our Classic Padded Collar will serve along side you for a lifetime when treated with respect. 
▸ 100% Elegantly Hand Crafted (by us) in Richmond, VA, USA:  
These icons of elegance are uniquely designed and handmade (by us!) using premium full grain leather, premium padding, and solid cast hardware. Provide yourself with firm restraint for a lifetime of use. With wear, the leather will richen and mold even further to your personal shape, making for a truly custom fit, while never losing function or stability.  
▸ 100% Custom - Made to Order - Just for You!  
We love making sure that you get exactly the perfect look and fit. Place a neck measurement in the notes, personalization box, or send us a message, and we'll custom make your piece for the perfect fit that also looks amazing.  
(1) 2" wide padded and lined leather collar: 
(2) 5/8" D-ring(s) 
Pivoting D-ring(s) for maximum style and function.  
• XSmall = 11.5" - 13.5" 
• Small= 14"-16" 
• Medium = 16.5"-18.5" 
• Large = 19"-21" 
• XLarge = 21.5"-23.5" 
▸ CUSTOM FIT: Get it Custom Fit for Free!  
As with all of our leather pieces, we love making sure that you get exactly the perfect fit. Send us neck measurements in the order notes, or a message, and we'll make sure that your set fits and looks amazing!  
• Natural 
• Black 
• Purple 
• Lt Brown 
• Med Brown 
• Mahogany 
• Red 
• Oxblood (Pink) 

• Brass 
• Polished Nickel 
• Matte Nickel 
• Dark (matching)
• Light 
• Black 
• Red
LVX Supply & CO. | Premium Handmade BDSM, Fetish, Fashion & Lingerie from Richmond, Virginia."
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            string(1) "0"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(11) "Light Brown"
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            string(1) "3"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(12) "Medium Brown"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(1) "A"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "8"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(1) "9"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
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        string(12) "Lining Color"
        string(12) "Lining Color"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(4) {
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            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
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            string(5) "Light"
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            string(1) "0"
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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
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            string(1) "0"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
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            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
    string(10) "2788526284"
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
    array(35) {
      string(16) "LVX Supply & Co."
      string(17) "3430 Ellsworth RD"
      string(8) "Richmond"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "VA"
      string(5) "23235"
      string(13) "(804)525-6713"
      string(0) ""
      string(18) "lvxsupply.etsy.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(17) "lvx@lvxsupply.com"
      string(188) "def5020037b3275b380dd1eaa27e432bd54a17f216270f00ccdfd2035ef2491afa7a60d83a6e8f1f0fa1c32b123e02b133755d58f8ebcd5844b0a2a20a09851321ac8cf1f8b388e910f3c033caef686c1f9807518eec345b25bb8bccdad9"
      string(2) "en"
      string(1) "1"
      string(2) "63"
      string(9) "Spicerack"
      string(33) "20200 West Dixie Highway Ste 902 "
      string(8) "Aventura"
      string(2) "US"
      string(2) "FL"
      string(5) "33180"
      string(15) "+1(305)701-3269"
      string(0) ""
      string(28) "https://www.spicerack.market"
      string(4) "2023"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(25) "no-reply@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(21) "info@spicerack.market"
      string(13) "United States"
      string(8) "Virginia"
    array(0) {
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    string(5) "14290"
    string(136) "BDSM Collar in Lambskin, Lockable bondage collar, slave/sub collar, locking collar, leather bondage, Ring Collar, BDSM, collar ring, 1.5"
    string(11) "Von Bondage"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(11) "RBrd exotic"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(25) "{ "from": "3","to": "5" }"
    string(11) "RBrd exotic"
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "141"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(3) "100"
    string(5) "0.625"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "1"
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    string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(2452) "This Leather Collar is Hand-crafted and made to order. 

This red leather bondage collar is 1-1/2" wide and is fitted with a large Bondage Ring in front using a beautiful Footman's Loop attachment. the O-ring is 1-1/4" internal diameter and is cast moulded so has no seam. This is a very strong heavy duty bdsm slave collar as well as an elegant collar which can withstand intense play sessions.  I have some gorgeous stallion chain leashes also available. 
This lockable BDSM collar come with your choice of buckles. The buckles are small 3/4" size buckles that are attached SEPARATELY in the back. This means there is no Full-Strap going around the collar as in my Strap & Cuff designed collars. You have either a lockable buckle with or without a padlock, or a standard buckle that does not lock. If you choose a lockable buckle then there will be no eyelets in the holes to fasten up. In order to accommodate the locking tongues, a special oval punch is used for making the holes since the leather needs to stretch of the locking tongues of the buckles. If you do not choose your padlock I will choose for you. Please write down on Personalisation Box/Notes area 
Please also place your EXACT neck size down with NO breathing room so that I may custom fit for you. All bdsm collars are made to order and I will place you in the middle holes and add the breathing room for you. If you do not give me your neck size, then I will make the bondage collar to Standard Size which is for necks between 13"--15.5" (33-39,5cm).  Please give me your size though if possible since returns cost money. 
There is a choice of 9 exotic leathers to have the slave collars made in. The main photo is showing the Red Bullhide w/Red Lambskin sub collar. The lambskin is super silky against the skin when worn, and the bullhide is a velvety soft leather! Please read my Leather Information Page on my website for a FULL explanation of all of the leather choices, as some are thick and soft, and others are thick and firm tempered. 
All fittings are nickel plated steel. 
Please feel free to ask me any questions, I am more than happy to help you! 
The products in my shop are for use by consenting adults as novelties, fashion accessories, and sexual toys. Von bondage assumes no responsibility for unsafe, improper, or illegal use of these items.  Please be safe, sane, and consensual!"
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If custom size is needed, email us at: info@clarkeandbarba.com once order is placed 
No two Clarke & Barba products are the same. Each leather product will retain markings from the original skin. We preserve these natural imperfections to enhance each piece's character and individuality. 
All of our goods are handmade to order, so please allow 3-5 days for us to custom make for you. 
Handmade in Los Angeles, California"
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All of our products are made in and shipped from Spring Hill, FL and will be discreetly packaged for your privacy.  Billing will read Custom Creations of Spring Hill, Inc.

For hygiene reasons, all of our products are non-returnable, unless we are correcting a manufacturing flaw and returning it to you."
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    string(1991) "2” (51mm) Tall Bondage Collar with Side Rings, available in custom colors with locking posts. 
Our Tall Bondage Collar with Side Rings utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Tall Bondage Collar with Side Rings 
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
This set is available with locking posts, which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the set securely in-place. If locking posts are desired, please select the appropriate option from the size drop-down menu. 
Note: The silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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      string(6) "Clovis"
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      string(2) "CA"
      string(5) "93611"
      string(12) "805-459-7827"
      string(0) ""
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      string(22) "bloveleather@gmail.com"
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    string(1911) "4” (102mm) Wide Posture Collar with side rings, available in custom colors and choice of buckle closure or locking snap closure. 
Our Posture Collar utilizes top quality materials and construction techniques. We use 100% genuine leather hide, which we hand pick from our suppliers. The collar and cuffs are made from 3.5 oz garment cowhide treated with an oil-based finish. This results in a supple, buttery surface texture with practically no stretch. The lining is rolled leather, which eliminates any sharp edges and adds a subtle layer of comfort without sacrificing durability. The garment leather is reinforced with heavy 9oz latigo, which is a combination-tanned leather known for its strength. 
Altogether, this results in a set of bondage gear that is sturdy and secure while also being comfortable to wear. The leather warms against the skin and feels like a silky caress as it slides and rubs during play. The sensation can be quite addicting and comforting, so do not be surprised if you or your partner never wants to take these off. 
If you are craving even more bondage goodness, be sure to check out our restraints section for accessories designed to work with this listing. 
This listing comes with the following pieces: 
1x Posture Collar
Custom sizes are available upon request and are subject to an additional 50% fee. 
The snap closure version of this collar includes a locking post which can be used in combination with mini padlocks (not included) in order to lock the collar securely in-place. 
Note: The silver colored metal hardware used in our pieces are nickel-plated, and so are not suited for those with metal allergies. 
All of our items are handmade to order in the USA, so please allow 3 weeks for construction. Don't hesitate to make any special requests! We strive to accommodate everyone's desires. 
Model: Delia Leigh 
Model: Esora Luvey 
Photographer: Fox"
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