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Aventura, FL 33180

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Sleep & Lounge

Daffodils Pure Silk Long Sleeve Pajama Set for Men photo
Daffodils Pure Silk Long Sleeve Pajama Set for Men photo
Black Pure Silk Long Sleeve Unisex Pajama Set photo
Black Pure Silk Long Sleeve Unisex Pajama Set photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
Navy Pure Silk Long Sleeve Unisex Pajama Set photo
Navy Pure Silk Long Sleeve Unisex Pajama Set photo
Free ShippingDiscreet Shipping
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    string(2950) "A simple and elegant v-neckline camisole in pure mulberry silk for ease and effortless style.  
Perfect for all day wear. Work, lounge and go to sleep. Wear it alone to the beach, or tuck it in dress pants for a dose of laidback luxury. Don't forget to layer your accessories to dress it up. 
- 19 momme silk charmeuse weave imbues this classic camisole with a radiant sheen  
- Silk lining in the bust 
- Flat back line sits right below the shoulder blade 
- Adjustable straps for a flexible fit 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 19 momme silk charmeuse 
Our Silk 
Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak the product in a container filled with mild soap and lukewarm water 
• Wash and rinse by gently squeezing the product under running water. Do not rub or wring the fabric 
• Hang to dry 
• Steam on the low heat setting after flipping the product inside out 
Machine Wash 
• Place the product in a mesh laundry bag and wash on the gentle cycle and cold water setting 
• Hang to dry 
• Steam on the low heat setting after flipping the product inside out 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out.
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
*Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for a camisole. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3382) "Classic with a twist, these pure silk men's pajamas feature hidden details. Instead of the typical notch collar, we chose a shawl collar with gentle curves for a more elegant look. The piping is finished in light gold, inspired by the colour of the first daffodils in spring. Upscale yet relaxed, let the smooth silk embrace you this season. 
Designed in Toronto. 
- Hanging loops 
- Light gold piping 
- Natural pearl buttons 
- Flat front waistband, elastic back 
Purchase separately: 
Matching women's silk pajamas: www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1611579645/daffodils-pure-silk-long-sleeve-pajama 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 22 momme 
Our Silk: 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one set of silk pajamas. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(4260) "A set of pure luxury. Pair our black kimono silk robe with a slip dress (or two). Enjoy the cool and gentle touch of silk at every moment of your life. 
Silk robe features: 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Both slip dresses have: 
- Adjustable straps for comfort and versatility 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Slim yet relaxed fit 
Midi silk slip dress features: 
- Cowl neck to accentuate the face, collar bone and bust, a nod to 30’s fashion 
- Classic midi length 
Knee-length silk slip dress features: 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe and slip dress set. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(4080) "A set of pure luxury. Pair our pink kimono silk robe with a slip dress (or two). Enjoy the cool and gentle touch of silk at every moment of your life. 
Silk robe features: 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Silk slip dress features: 
- Adjustable straps for comfort and versatility 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Slim yet relaxed fit 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe and slip dress set. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3952) "An effortlessly chic, comfy and versatile pure mulberry silk slip dress that will stay in your wardrobe for decades. 
Lounge in it and sleep in it. Throw a cardigan on top for a coffee run. Wear a t-shirt underneath and put on your sneakers or ankle boots. Pair it with heels for a wedding. 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Adjustable straps allow you to go from modest to a little bit sultry 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
        • Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
        • Do not rub or wring 
        • To remove excess water place dress on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
        • Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
        • Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
        • Place in mesh bag 
        • Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
        • Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
        • Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
        • Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk slip dress. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3636) "This kimono inspired silk robe is a perfect gift. From a daughter to a mother; from a sister to a sister; from you to you. As you sway, feel ravishing with every step. Get ready to unwind in the splendid embrace of pure silk charmeuse. 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
See our other silk robe: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
See our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3434) "We had spring in mind when we designed these silk pajamas. Inspired by the first batch of daffodils, swaying in white and gold, right after the snow melts. The cut resembles an oversized suit jacket, while the cool, smooth silk embraces you like a caress, making them comfortable enough to wear at home and yet chic enough to wear out. Definitely not your typical silk pajamas. 
Designed in Toronto. 
- Hanging loops 
- Light gold piping 
- Natural pearl buttons 
- Flat front waistband, elastic back 
- Slightly sheer 
Purchase separately: 
Matching men's silk pajamas: www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1597718670/daffodils-pure-silk-long-sleeve-pajama 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 22 momme 
Our Silk: 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one set of silk pajamas. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(4080) "A set of pure luxury. Pair our pink kimono silk robe with a slip dress (or two). Enjoy the cool and gentle touch of silk at every moment of your life. 
Silk robe features: 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Silk slip dress features: 
- Adjustable straps for comfort and versatility 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Slim yet relaxed fit 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe and slip dress set. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3636) "This kimono inspired silk robe is a perfect gift. From a daughter to a mother; from a sister to a sister; from you to you. As you sway, feel ravishing with every step. Get ready to unwind in the splendid embrace of pure silk charmeuse. 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
See our other silk robe: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
See our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(2949) "A simple and elegant v-neckline camisole in pure mulberry silk for ease and effortless style.  
Perfect for all day wear. Work, lounge and go to sleep. Wear it alone to the beach, or tuck it in dress pants for a dose of laidback luxury. Don't forget to layer your accessories to dress it up. 
- 19 momme silk charmeuse weave imbues this classic camisole with a radiant sheen  
- Silk lining in the bust 
- Flat back line sits right below the shoulder blade 
- Adjustable straps for a flexible fit 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 19 momme silk charmeuse 
Our Silk 
Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak the product in a container filled with mild soap and lukewarm water 
• Wash and rinse by gently squeezing the product under running water. Do not rub or wring the fabric 
• Hang to dry 
• Steam on the low heat setting after flipping the product inside out 
Machine Wash 
• Place the product in a mesh laundry bag and wash on the gentle cycle and cold water setting 
• Hang to dry 
• Steam on the low heat setting after flipping the product inside out 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
*Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for a camisole. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3596) "These pure mulberry silk pajamas turn ordinary moments into movie scenes. Lounge in them as you savour a morning coffee, or mix and match them to create a chic outfit. After all, they are tailored PJs with fine details.  
- Notched lapels with a twist: top collar is rounded; under collar is pointed 
- Mother of pearl buttons to match the subtle sheen of pure silk charmeuse 
- Relaxed fit pants with wide hems create an elegant silhouette 
- Drawstring elastic waist for comfort and style 
- Contrast piping along the collar, front placket, patch pocket, and overlapping at the cuff and hem adds sophistication 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 22 momme 
- Smooth, soft, subtle sheen 
- Understand momme? Click here 
Our Silk: 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one set of silk pajamas. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(4259) "A set of pure luxury. Pair our pink kimono silk robe with a slip dress (or two). Enjoy the cool and gentle touch of silk at every moment of your life. 
Silk robe features: 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Both slip dresses have: 
- Adjustable straps for comfort and versatility 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Slim yet relaxed fit 
Midi silk slip dress features: 
- Cowl neck to accentuate the face, collar bone and bust, a nod to 30’s fashion 
- Classic midi length 
Knee-length silk slip dress features: 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe and slip dress set. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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      string(28) "60 Joe Shuster Way, Unit 310"
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      string(95) "https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesSilk / https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie"
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      string(24) "info@softstrokessilk.com"
      string(24) "info@softstrokessilk.com"
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    string(3636) "This kimono inspired silk robe is a perfect gift. From a daughter to a mother; from a sister to a sister; from you to you. As you sway, feel ravishing with every step. Get ready to unwind in the splendid embrace of pure silk charmeuse. 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
See our other silk robe: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
See our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3689) "This kimono inspired silk robe is a perfect gift. From a daughter to a mother; from a sister to a sister; from you to you. As you sway, feel ravishing with every step. Get ready to unwind in the splendid embrace of pure silk charmeuse. 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Note: video shows our pink robe in the same style 
See our other silk robe: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
See our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3596) "These pure mulberry silk pajamas turn ordinary moments into movie scenes. Lounge in them as you savour a morning coffee, or mix and match them to create a chic outfit. After all, they are tailored PJs with fine details.  
- Notched lapels with a twist: top collar is rounded; under collar is pointed 
- Mother of pearl buttons to match the subtle sheen of pure silk charmeuse 
- Relaxed fit pants with wide hems create an elegant silhouette 
- Drawstring elastic waist for comfort and style 
- Contrast piping along the collar, front placket, patch pocket, and overlapping at the cuff and hem adds sophistication 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk 
- 22 momme 
- Smooth, soft, subtle sheen 
- Understand momme? Click here 
Our Silk: 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one set of silk pajamas. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(3636) "This kimono inspired silk robe is a perfect gift. From a daughter to a mother; from a sister to a sister; from you to you. As you sway, feel ravishing with every step. Get ready to unwind in the splendid embrace of pure silk charmeuse. 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
See our other silk robe: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
See our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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    string(4081) " A set of pure luxury. Pair our pink kimono silk robe with a slip dress (or two). Enjoy the cool and gentle touch of silk at every moment of your life. 
Silk robe features: 
- Three-quarter length wide square sleeves 
- Wide belt that resembles a sash 
- Contrast piping along the cuffs and collar adds details and sophistication 
- A hanging loop to protect the material 
- Inside tie to keep the robe from slipping open 
- Deep, hidden vertical pockets for convenience 
Silk slip dress features: 
- Adjustable straps for comfort and versatility 
- Double lined in the bust area 
- Slim yet relaxed fit 
- Mid-deep rounded v-neckline is friendly to most body shapes 
- Back cut in rounded v-shape to bring attention to shoulder blades 
- Knee length bottom edge is rounded with a small leg split on both sides to create a modern silhouette 
- 22 momme silk charmeuse drapes fluidly like a flowing river. At this high density, the silk doesn’t cling and isn’t flimsy. 
See all our silk slip dresses: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34466151 
See our silk robes: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/SoftStrokesLingerie?section_id=34453694 
- Please refer to the size chart in our last image 
- Size up if you are at the top tier in the size chart or if you prefer a looser fit 
- Model is 5'8'' (177cm), bust 33.5'' (85cm), waist 23.6'' (60cm), hips 35'' (89cm), wearing size S. The size is a little loose on her 
- 100% mulberry silk (22 momme silk charmeuse) 
Our Silk 
- Durable: Withstands machine washing, built to last 
- Drape: Falls into folds, flows like liquid 
- Dense: Wrinkles smooth out quickly 
- Cooling: Moisture wicking, stay fresh even in humidity 
- Eco-friendly: Pure silk is 100% biodegradable 
Hand Wash 
• Soak in lukewarm water with gentle detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 
• Do not rub or wring 
• To remove excess water place product on a towel, fold over and lightly blot 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Machine Wash 
• Place in mesh bag 
• Wash on delicate, cold water, low spin setting 
• Remove promptly at the end of wash cycle 
• Hang to dry on padded hanger in shaded area 
• Steam on the dull side 
Check out our blog for more care tips: 
- Black satin bag 
- We will gladly include a handwritten note on your behalf. Leave a note at check out 
Canadian Customers: 
- Default tracked Shipping: Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Xpress: Upgrade at check out. Standard delivery time is around 3 business days 
- Free Pick Up: Toronto customers can arrange for pick up from the Liberty Village area. Please message us 
US Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days 
- Upgraded shipping is via Canada Post Xpress. Standard delivery time is 3-5 business days 
UK, European Union, Australian, and New Zealand Customers: 
- Standard shipping is via Chit Chat with tracking. Standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks 
- UK & EU customers: Please leave your phone number in comments when checking out as it is required for shipping 
Other International Customers: 
- Standard shipping does not include tracking. If you'd like to get tracking, please contact us for the shipping rate 
- As our products are personal items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if an issue comes up, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you 
- If you didn't receive your order, please contact us within three months from the date of purchase 
Bulk Order 
- We offer discounts and free upgraded shipping on bulk orders. We can also customize the size and style in certain circumstances. Please message us for details 
**Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/softstrokeslingerie/ 
- This listing is for one silk robe and slip dress set. Other props in the pictures are not included"
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